Oil and Gas Petrobras and Embrapa sign historic partnership to develop low-carbon products, biofuels and sustainable fertilizers with a focus on soybeans and macauba Lucas Carvalho 06/09/2024 às 18:20
Renewable Biofuels The energy turnaround that threatens Petrobras! The fuel of the future is here to stay and is a defeat for the Brazilian state-owned company and its main markets Alisson Ficher 06/09/2024 às 16:28
Science and Technology Exploring the Green Revolution: Biogas Production from Food Waste at Tecpar Corporate 03/09/2024 às 09:57
Industry New ethanol plant will have a capacity of 1,3 million liters per day! The construction of the new plant will generate 700 jobs and the number is expected to increase in the coming months Ruth Rodrigues 29/08/2024 às 10:58
Renewable energy Finland Discovers Fuel of the Future That Surpasses Hydrogen and Is Already Secretly Producing It Under the Arctic Lucas Carvalho 29/08/2024 às 09:01
Economy Company linked to Arab fund will invest 16 BILLION to create a biorefinery in Bahia Alisson Ficher 19/08/2024 às 04:50
Agribusiness After almost going bankrupt with oil, Eike Batista reveals that the focus is now on Brazilian agribusiness with investments in super sugarcane Alisson Ficher 17/08/2024 às 11:33
AI ABM Week 2024: Towards Sustainability and Innovation with Artificial Intelligence in Industry – 80 Years of ABM. Corporate 12/08/2024 às 14:22
Renewable Biofuels 'Oil Tycoons', the Arab royal family will produce biofuels in Brazil and generate jobs with investments of R$68,3 billion Valdemar Medeiros 09/05/2024 às 23:10
Agribusiness R$1 of Methane: That's exactly what New Holland's new tractor needs to work! Producers are saving fortunes with this technological advance! Roberta Souza 05/05/2024 às 11:14
Construction Ultracargo advances with new terminal in Tocantins to boost fuel supply Corporate 01/03/2024 às 15:41
Renewable Biofuels Arab giant will invest R$12 billion in mega plant to generate sustainable fuel in Brazil Roberta Souza 20/02/2024 às 22:16