Economy Folha de S. Paulo advises Lula government to privatize Petrobras, Caixa and Banco do Brasil! Will giants fall into the hands of private companies? What do you think about this? Alisson Ficher 26/08/2024 às 02:24
Science and Technology Niobium, lithium and privatizations: The tricks up Zema’s sleeve to save the economy of Minas Gerais! Roberta Souza 25/05/2024 às 14:10
Oil and Gas TIM (TIMS3) and Petrobras (PETR4) distribute R$ 655 million in JCP after revocation of measure by TCU Paulo S. Nogueira 07/12/2023 às 11:30
Oil and Gas Analysts optimistic about the privatization of Sabesp. Paulo S. Nogueira 25/11/2023 às 15:59
Oil and Gas What is the status of Argentina's gas import project with Javier Milei? Paulo S. Nogueira 22/11/2023 às 12:44
Oil and Gas Privatization of the Albacora Leste field generates controversy and pre-salt exploration in Espírito Santo is the target of criticism by an expert Ruth Rodrigues 03/08/2023 às 08:06
Economy That was close! Bolsonaro would privatize Petrobras in 2023 if he had been elected, reveals former MME minister Paulo Nogueira 13/07/2023 às 13:34
Refinery and Thermoelectric Petrobras will make investments to produce diesel with less sulfur and renewable at the Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (REFAP): President of the state-owned company says that refining unit in RS will no longer be for sale! Paulo Nogueira 31/05/2023 às 04:51
Renewable energy Federal Government is preparing to file a lawsuit at the STF against the Eletrobras privatization project Ruth Rodrigues 05/05/2023 às 21:53
Oil and Gas Energisa wins the privatization auction for the Espírito Santo distributor ES Gás for a total value of R$ 1,42 billion in a ceremony held at the Brazilian Stock Exchange Ruth Rodrigues 04/04/2023 às 15:58
Refinery and Thermoelectric Amidst the uncertainties of the privatization process, the Senate Inspection and Control Commission requests new information to analyze the sale of Petrobras' Mataripe Refinery to Mubadala Capital Ruth Rodrigues 31/03/2023 às 20:01