Courses Want to earn R$400 per month to study? 40 vacancies for free technical courses in the areas of Administration, Civil Construction, Electronics, Nursing, IT, Logistics, Maintenance and more Flavia Marinho 08/09/2024 às 13:29
Courses Want to take a free course at Senac? Senac has released more than 70 thousand places on technical and professional courses with certification in the areas of Health, Industry, Construction, Beauty, Administration and more Flavia Marinho 06/09/2024 às 16:07
Courses Want to take a free technical course at Senac? Senac offers 1,8 places for seven TOTALLY FREE technical courses with a guaranteed certificate, sign up! Flavia Marinho 06/09/2024 às 15:45
Courses Petrobras opened registrations yesterday (05/09) for a new notice with dozens of vacancies in free professional qualification courses, with subsidies exceeding R$800 reais Flavia Marinho 06/09/2024 às 08:23
Courses Want to take a technical course at Senac for free and online? Senac has released 7,1 vacancies in online and in-person courses, completely free of charge in the areas of Health, Administration, Beauty, Construction and more Flavia Marinho 03/09/2024 às 15:41
Courses Want to take a free distance learning course without spending a single cent? The Federal Institute has 7 vacancies open! But hurry, registrations at IFSP are almost over Alisson Ficher 02/09/2024 às 09:15
Courses IF has more than 1.000 vacancies open in free technical courses in Automation, Mechanics, Logistics, Occupational Safety and more! Some opportunities are for studying at home Ruth Rodrigues 01/09/2024 às 09:49
Courses Want to take a technical course for FREE? A renowned university has released 1,7 places on technical courses in Administration, Building, IT, Metallurgy and much more! Flavia Marinho 31/08/2024 às 10:47
Courses Federal Institute released dozens of free technical courses integrated with certification in the areas of Mining, Occupational Safety, Buildings, Metallurgy and more Flavia Marinho 31/08/2024 às 10:33
Courses Federal Institute opens MORE THAN 3 THOUSAND vacancies for those who want to take technical or undergraduate courses without spending anything for it Alisson Ficher 30/08/2024 às 13:26
Courses Faetec offers more than 200 places in free technical courses in the areas of Administration, Logistics and IT Ruth Rodrigues 28/08/2024 às 18:30
Courses Do you want to study at a Federal Institute? If so, take advantage: IFMG opens registrations and offers 4.665 chances for you to change your life with your studies Alisson Ficher 27/08/2024 às 06:01