Home To combat COVID-19 at CDRJ ports, employees are being tested at all accesses

To combat COVID-19 at CDRJ ports, employees are being tested at all accesses

8 April 2020 14 gies: 07
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Port of Itaguaí CDRJ COVID-19 PORTS

Digital thermometers with infrared (pistol type) are the main tool used by ports to measure workers before accessing work environments. The ports of Angra dos Reis, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro and Itaguaí are managed by Companhia Docas do Rio de Janeiro (CDRJ) and within the task force to reduce the proliferation of the virus.

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The action is the result of a joint effort by the Superintendencies of Port Management of the Ports, the Environment and the Port Guard. In addition to the CDRJ and the leasing companies, the Manpower Management Body (OGMO) is taking the same care with the temporary port workers (TPAs) scheduled. The procedure takes less than 10 seconds and people with a temperature of 37.8 or higher cannot work. People with obvious flu symptoms are also advised to return to their homes.

“We are adopting all measures to avoid the contagion of port workers who cannot stop because they provide an essential service to society, including ensuring that during the pandemic, the population does not lack items such as food, hospital materials, cleaning products and medicines”, explained the CEO of CDRJ, Francisco Antonio de Magalhães Laranjeira. According to him, in partnership with the tenants of the terminals and other companies that operate in the ports, the operation is guaranteed, but following the strict recommendations of the health authorities: “Together, we are measuring our efforts to protect the port community.”

Other preventive measures

Sanitary barriers were also created, with increased cleaning of facilities, especially at access gates, entrances and other common areas, prioritizing the hygiene of contact areas such as turnstiles, handrails and doorknobs. For this work, the Port Authority increased the amount of human and material resources. In addition, gel alcohol dispensers were installed at strategic points in ports and administrative buildings. Employees have also been made aware of good hygiene practices to avoid contagion.

As social distancing is fundamental in prevention, reducing contact was also prioritized by the CDRJ. The company instituted a home office for all employees in the risk group and for new arrivals from abroad, and the measure was later extended to the administrative sectors. In addition, business trips, face-to-face meetings, training, technical visits and other activities involving crowds of people were prohibited. The use of biometrics in the turnstiles was also suspended to avoid touching, and badges should be used for access control. SOURCE: ASCOM CDRJ

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