Home URGENT! Railway disaster in Minas Gerais: Train derails and spills diesel oil in rural community

URGENT! Railway disaster in Minas Gerais: Train derails and spills diesel oil in rural community

28 March 2024 to 16: 00
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Railway accident in Formiga, MG, reveals erosion as the cause. Teams contain diesel leak, prioritizing recovery and environmental safety

Railway accident in Formiga, MG, reveals erosion as the cause. Teams contain diesel leak, prioritizing recovery and environmental safety

In the silence of the early hours of this Thursday, the community of Rodrigues, located in the peaceful rural area of ​​Formiga, in the heart of Minas Gerais, was shaken by a extraordinary event. A train, belonging to the renowned company VLI, met an unexpected fate when it derailed and overturned, releasing a large volume of diesel oil into the region.

This incident, in addition to being shocking, raises important questions about railway safety and the associated environmental impact.

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An unexpected cause: Soil erosion

Preliminary investigations point to soil erosion as the villain behind this accident. Under the cover of night, at 4:10 am, the silent force of nature reclaimed part of the soil supporting the tracks, setting off a chain of events that culminated in the train's derailment. This phenomenon not only highlights the need for continuous maintenance and surveillance of railways, but also serves as a reminder of our constant struggle against the forces of nature.

Rapid response and prevention of major disasters

Fortunately, thanks to the quick response of the Fire Department and SAMU, the situation was efficiently controlled, avoiding what could have been a disaster of much greater proportions. The two drivers injured in the incident received immediate medical care and were transported to Formiga Hospital, highlighting the effectiveness and preparedness of local emergency teams.

Furthermore, the diesel oil leak, although significant, was contained in time, minimizing the risk of severe environmental damage. The Military Environmental Police took action, assessing the risks and ensuring that the necessary measures were taken to protect the local flora and fauna.

Research and prevention

VLI, in its response to the incident, assured the public that a technical team is diligently working to determine the causes of the derailment and implement strategies to mitigate any future impact. This accident serves as a call to reflection on the importance of maintaining infrastructure and preventing accidents, ensuring the safety of both workers and communities close to the railways.

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