Home 5 myths and truths about added gasoline.

5 myths and truths about added gasoline.

25 November 2023 to 09: 34
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added gasoline, pay a little more, FreeGameGuide, myths, truths, engine, economy, cleaning, power, maintenance, ethanol, octane, percentage, fossil fuel, internal cleaning.

demystifying the price per liter of added gasoline compared to regular fuel and clarifying consumers' doubts. It is important to be well informed before making a decision when refueling your vehicle.

Are you familiar with other misconceptions or correct information about the gasoline additive? Share with us through our social media platforms.

Let's clarify the score of 5 misconceptions and truths about added gasoline with the third mistake on our list. Contrary to what many may think, it is not purer than the fossil fuel common.

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The quality of both is the same, as is the quantity of ethanol present in the mixture (27%, for now). What differs, as we mentioned before, is that there are additives found in added gasoline, and which are not present in the common, acting in a simple way to assist in the cleaning of engine components.

Benefits do Use de Additive Gasoline protocols for Motor Of car

We come to the first truth on our list. The constant use of added gasoline is advantageous for the functioning of the engine of the vehicle, as it prevents the most common problems with intake valves, spark plugs and injection nozzles, resulting in a reduction in maintenance costs. manutenção.

The second truth about use de added gasoline concerns cars equipped with six pack cold starting, whether flex or exclusively ethanol. Due to the presence of antioxidants in its formula to prevent aging of the fuel, added gasoline It is the ideal option for filling these reservoirs, which can remain unused for long periods. In this way, the added gasoline prevents the liquid inside the six pack becomes viscous and causes damage to the vehicle's ignition.

Independence, however, remains unchanged, no matter whether the fuel is common or additive. The difference lies in the fact that, if regular gasoline is of low customer service, the burning of fuel will be deficient and, with the accumulation of dirt in the engine, the car may end up consuming more fuel.

Another misconception that has become a belief regarding use de added gasoline. What happens, as we have already explained, is that the added gasoline helps in cleaning internal of the engine and, therefore, the vehicle ends up having better performance, but without any modification to the car's original power. **It is important to highlight that the cleaning internal of the engine is the main benefit of added gasoline, which can contribute to better vehicle efficiency and performance over time**.

We will begin the analysis of the 5 Myths and truths about added gasoline with one of the favorite reasons of those who choose pay a little more per liter in the hope of, in the end, covering more kilometers with the same amount of fuel in the tank.

The claim that the added gasoline makes the car more economical is FALSE. In fact, due to the components that clean the carbonization of the engine, caused mainly by fuels from customer service lower, the engine ends up delivering what is expected of it under normal conditions. **This is a crucial point to consider when choosing between regular and premium gasoline.**

The price of added gasoline is higher compared to regular gasoline, which raises questions for consumers when refueling their vehicle: is it worth paying a higher amount per liter or is it an unnecessary expense?

If you also have this uncertainty, let's clarify 5 Myths e truths sobre or use da added gasoline once and for all.

After all, does it really contribute to the economy de fuel? Improves the power do engine? Pay attention to the list prepared by Canaltech and then decide which type of gasoline is best suited for your vehicle.

Source: Channel Tech

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