Home Multinational Amazon announces new distribution center in RJ with expectations of generating more than 1.200 jobs

Multinational Amazon announces new distribution center in RJ with expectations of generating more than 1.200 jobs

15 from 2021 from September to 17: 15
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Amazon - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - jobs - distribution center - job openings
Amazon expands investments in Brazil — Photo: Mike Segar/Reuters/Arquivo

Expanding to better serve its customers, the multinational Amazon invests in a new distribution center in Rio de Janeiro and the expectation is that more than 1.200 job opportunities will be generated for the region of São João de Meriti

To improve and improve its logistics, the multinational Amazon announced the expansion of its operations in the country with its new Distribution Center located in São João de Meriti, in Rio de Janeiro. This is the first center in the state and even though it is not even open, it already promises more than 200 new direct jobs and expects to generate more than 1.000 temporary jobs for special events and high season.

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Amazon reaches the mark of 9.600 jobs generated in the Brazilian market

With the new announcement about the distribution center in Rio de Janeiro, Amazon reaches more than 9.600 direct and indirect jobs generated in the operations sector, 5.200 of which are direct.

In addition, with the inauguration of its new distribution center, the company now has ten centers spread across the country, present in the states of Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Sul and the Federal District.

According to the general director of operations for Amazon in Brazil, Ricardo Pagani, the arrival of the new distribution center in Rio de Janeiro makes the company proud for bringing a huge amount of new job opportunities to the local region of São João de Merit.

New distribution center has about 30 thousand square meters

According to Pagani, the expansion accompanies Amazon's commitment to the economy where it operates, in addition to offering a quality and fast delivery service to its customers.

According to the director, the company is extremely confident in the new Distribution Center in Rio de Janeiro and thanked the state government and the members of the engaged teams that supported tirelessly so that the project could get off the ground.

The new distribution center, which promises to generate several new jobs, represents about 30 thousand square meters, which is equivalent to almost four football fields. It is worth mentioning that the undertaking is also part of the expansion plan of the multinational Amazon in Brazil. According to a note from the company, the new center will store 45 million items from at least 30 different categories.

Amazon expands investments in logistics and innovation

Always thinking about its customers, the multinational bought around 1.000 autonomous trucks in June to speed up deliveries. The action was a company contract with Plus, a startup of autonomous trucks.

As part of the agreement, the multinational has the option to buy up to 420.702.410 preferred shares of Startup for US$ 0,47 each, which would amount to a 20% stake in Amazon.

With this technology, the multinational also contributed to overcoming the lack of labor in Brazil, which had a strong impact on the truck sector, causing some deliveries to be delayed and also increasing freight costs. For now, the startup system still needs a licensed driver. However, this may change in the coming years.

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