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Brasfels shipbuilding shipyard, from Angra dos Reis (RJ), calls on engineers with no experience in search of their first job for vacancies in its 2021 trainee program, today, June 14

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 14/06/2021 às 14:51
construction - naval - shipyard - employment - vacancies - angra dos reis - trainee - engineers - no experience
Workers at the Brasfels shipyard Image: Google Disclosure

Engineers from all areas who are looking for their first job but lack experience can apply for jobs at the Brasfels shipbuilding yard, in Angra dos Reis

Want to build a career in shipbuilding but lack experience? The Brasfels shipyard, in Angra dos Reis, one of the largest in Latin America, has an open selection process for job vacancies in its Trainee Program. Recent graduates from all areas of engineering can apply. See below how to send your resume.

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See, below, the requirements to apply for job openings in the 2021 trainee program at the Brasfels shipyard

  • Higher education in engineering with up to two years of graduation;
  • Advanced English.

Attention! The program also covers employees of the Brasfels shipyard who meet the profile required above. Employees must apply through the company's Worday System.

Inscrição: Those interested in applying for one of the job vacancies opened by the shipbuilding shipyard Brasfels, must register the resume in this link.

For more information, send an email to Engenheiro.trainee@kfelsbrasil.com.br or call (24) 3361 6298.

Petrobras presents the FPSO Carioca platform, at the Brasfels shipyard, in Angra dos Reis, and the Rio authority promises 5 jobs in shipbuilding for the state

Naval construction – Last Thursday (10/06), the largest oil company in Brazil invited authorities from the state of Rio de Janeiro to present the oil platform, FPSO Carioca, which is being built by Modec at the Brasfels shipyard, in Angra dos Reis, on the Costa Verde do Rio. Two weeks before the end of the works, the unit, which belongs to Petrobras, will have its final destination in the Sépia field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt, where it will start operating in August.

The visit was attended by the mayor of Angra, Fernando Jordão; the president of the Naval Industry Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Rio, state deputy Célia Jordão; members of the Mines and Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, federal deputies Edio Lopes and Altineu Cortes, and city councilors.

The technology applied in the works and the advances in the deep water offshore sector, of which the Brazilian oil company Petrobras is a pioneer, were presented.

The companies also commented on market difficulties in shipbuilding regarding technology, infrastructure, and lack of tax incentives to make them more competitive. According to the parliamentarian, there is a forecast of 5 new vacancies with construction in shipyards in the state.

“It is a market with a great contribution to the economic development of the state, with a growing perspective of new works, but which needs a development plan. With the construction of the P-78, MV-32 and the Almirante Tamandaré Platform, there is a forecast of 5 new vacancies”, said congresswoman Jordão.

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact flaviacamil@gmail.com for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our website. Do not send your resume, we are not hiring!

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