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Meet the 'folding house' that integrates solar and wind energy with the potential to revolutionize the renewable housing industry

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 30/01/2022 às 11:42
Updated 02/02/2022 às 08:52
solar energy - renewable energy - wind energy - folding house - folding trailer -
Trailer or folding house as it became popularly known can accommodate an entire family – Photo: Green Cat

Fully equipped with a renewable energy generating system and a comfortable and welcoming interior, the 'folding house' of a French company is already a success in the world for integrating the use of wind and solar energy in one place

Much has been said about minimalist house models and about people who have adapted their lifestyle to this way of living, which is much lighter and more detached, having much more contact with the inner world, away from buildings and outside large urban centers, enjoying more natural life and depending only on solar and wind energy. However, an innovative launch by a French company united people's desire to lead a more natural life with the fact that they still wanted to have a comfortable home, and so cleverly combined comfort, minimalism and eco-efficiency, giving rise to sCarabane – a foldable house with the use of renewable energy.  

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Meet the 'folding house', a trailer developed for camping and for those who want to live permanently

Presentation of sCarabane, the 'folding house' with solar and wind energy – Reproduction/Youtube – EcoSolar Energias Renováveis

The sCarabane folding house was launched by the French company Green Cat Technologies, with the intention of assisting in casual camping. However, many people are using the folding house to turn it into their own home.

The Green Cat Technologies trailer has a circular format that, when expanded, it is possible to reduce the internal space for convenience of the house, as a way of facilitating its locomotion, all of this done in a few minutes.

In fact, its practical assembly and easy mobility has attracted the attention of those who like to venture out or simply seek a more peaceful and uninhibited life.

Attributes of the foldable house capable of generating wind and solar energy

The trailer comes fully equipped with a wind and solar energy production system, with a mechanism that helps the photovoltaic panels, which are installed in the vehicle, to rotate 360º, being able to stop at any angle that is favorable to receive greater incidence of sunlight, capturing, generating and storing more and better energy.

In all, the foldable house is capable of producing around 500 watts of solar energy and another 500 of wind energy. The trailer has two bedrooms, one for couples and one that can be used for children. Both bedrooms have an exit to the outside of the house, which can serve as an emergency exit or simply give residents a sense of freedom. The bathroom is fully equipped, with a toilet, sink and shower. The kitchen is also complete with a stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and also a microwave.

It is in the plans of the French company to further improve the lives of those who decide to live in the folding house. In addition to the renewable energy generation system, such as solar energy and wind energy, which are already a reality in the trailer, developers are working on a new project where the focus is on creating a system for capturing and filtering rainwater to equip the folding house. However, unfortunately, there is still no prediction of when this technology will hit the market.

Other concepts of living on wheels

In addition to the sCarabane, other developers and even Green Cat Technologies have already created other “living on wheels” models. An example of another developer is Bicycle Camper, from the Danish company Wide Path Campers, which in 2021 launched a bicycle with a minimalist house attached to the rear, which can be assembled in just 3 minutes.

The internal space of the Bicycle Camper can be used as a living room, with a table and sofa, and also with a 200 x 90 cm bed for two people.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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