Home Green Energy: Verallia's Commitment

Green Energy: Verallia's Commitment

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A more sustainable future: Glass produced with renewable electricity

Amidst the 2023 World Economic Forum, Europe unveiled its green industrial agenda to tackle climate change. Simultaneously, in Brazil, CNI presented its vision of a cleaner industrial sector. In this environment conducive to change, Verallia, a glass packaging giant, outlined ambitious sustainability goals.

Sustainable Electrification: From Plan to Action

Verallia is not just a voice in the crowd. Leader on the European scene and the third largest producer of glass packaging in the world, the company is advancing rapidly in its sustainability trajectory. The vision? Achieve 60% clean energy in its global matrix by 2025 and a bold 90% by 2040.

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Verallia's commitment goes beyond words. In South American lands, the Rosario plant in Chile already operates with 100% renewable electricity. In Europe, wind energy contracts guarantee a greener future for its units. And when we look at Brazil, Portugal and Spain, the scenario is even more promising with factories already operating with 100% clean electricity.

Energy Innovation: Hydrogen and Biofuels in Focus

But electricity is only part of the equation. Verallia has its eyes on the future of green hydrogen. Tests are already underway in Germany, with factories exploring fuels that can have up to 50% hydrogen in their composition. And on the horizon, the transition from natural gas to biofuels looks closer than ever.

Romain Barral, at the head of Grupo Verallia's operations, underscores the importance of this moment: “We center our strategy on energy transition. We seek partnerships and innovations that lead us to a cleaner, more diversified and efficient global electrical matrix”.

Glass Recycling: Verallia's Sustainable Cycle

Preserving is not just about producing cleanly, but also about ensuring that what is produced has the least possible impact. Verallia understands this and, therefore, strongly encourages glass recycling, especially in Latin America.

The “Vidro Vira Vidro” project is a testament to this commitment. Launched in Brazil, its objective is to install 1.500 collection containers by 2026, in partnership with bars, restaurants and the public sector, to ensure that glass returns to the production cycle and does not end up in landfills.

Quintin Testa, General Manager of Verallia for Latin America, emphasizes: “We need to cultivate conscious consumption and show the importance of reintroducing glass into the production cycle. This not only alleviates landfills, but reduces costs and environmental impacts.”

Reuse is the watchword. Using shards in the manufacture of new packaging reduces the ecological footprint and ensures more efficient production. And, thanks to the “Vidro Vira Vidro” program, the expectation is to collect tons of shards annually, consolidating a cleaner future for everyone.

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