Home Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) opens enrollment for free distance learning courses with guaranteed certificate of completion

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) opens enrollment for free distance learning courses with guaranteed certificate of completion

21 March 2023 to 12: 38
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The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Friocruz) is open for enrollment in several free distance learning courses in the health sector. Anyone can sign up, don't waste time!
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The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) is open for enrollment in several free distance learning courses in the health sector. Anyone can sign up, don't waste time!

A Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) offers more than 40 free distance learning courses in various categories and modalities. The training is completely online and addresses topics such as health education and management, communication, diseases caused by emerging viruses, communicable diseases, among others. Fiocruz's free courses are a great opportunity to enhance your curriculum.

Differential of Fiocruz's free distance learning courses

We separate a list with the main vacancies in free distance learning courses that the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation makes available and what each formation has to offer:

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This course aims to understand the concept of data integrity, causes of non-adherence to data integrity, the application bases, know the principles and characteristics of a complete data. In addition, it aims to present the topic of data integrity, its main concepts and principles.


It aims to address the communication process, the importance of interpersonal communication and in organizations and the importance of communication as a management tool, as well as presenting forms of communication that make it possible to improve the performance of teams. In addition, it aims to prepare the student to face the challenges of leadership, apply the various forms of communication with work teams, among others.


It aims to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a dialogue with society, as well as offering conceptual and practical tools on how to carry out scientific dissemination of research. The objective is not to exhaust the extensive discussions on theory and practice of science communication, but to propose reflections on the importance of bringing science and society closer together.


This EAD course aims to train servants and collaborators of the Aggeu Magalhães Institute and other institutions, in the Biosafety sector, aiming to consolidate a set of actions to prevent, reduce, control or minimize risks inherent to activities that may compromise human, animal and human health. environment.

Registration for Fiocruz courses can be done online

The free EAD courses are free and start immediately. The target audience for most of the trainings are professionals from the health sector, but anyone can enroll and participate. However, in most of the courses, the completion certificate is only available to the internal public, that is, to Fundação Oswaldo Cruz employees duly enrolled and who carry out all the proposed learning activities.

On the Campus Virtual Fiocruz platform, it is also possible to find free distance learning courses ranging from free to postgraduate, including technical, qualification, improvement and others. The content is developed by units, partners and by the vice-presidency of Education, Information and Communication (Vpeic/Fiocruz), covering several areas of knowledge and themes.


Get to know the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation better

The history of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation began on May 25, 1900, with the development of the Federal Soroterápico Institute, at Fazenda de Manguinhos, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro.

The foundation was originally inaugurated with the aim of producing serums and vaccines against the bubonic plague and, since then, an intense trajectory has been created, contributing to the development of public health in Brazil.

In the hands of Oswaldo Cruz, a young bacteriologist, the Institute was responsible for the health reform that eradicated the bubonic plague and yellow fever epidemics in the city. Soon, he went beyond the limits of Rio de Janeiro, with scientific expeditions that explored the far reaches of the country. The foundation was also instrumental in the development of the national public health department in the 1920s.

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