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Highway in SP will have the LARGEST road tunnel in Brazil! Construction of third lane will also benefit trucks and access to an important location for the Brazilian economy

Written by Alisson Ficher
Published 21/01/2025 às 20:34
SP will have the largest road tunnel in Brazil in 2026! The project promises to revolutionize cargo transportation and access to the coast.
SP will have the largest road tunnel in Brazil in 2026! The project promises to revolutionize cargo transportation and access to the coast.

Third lane on highway will bring the largest highway tunnel in Brazil. The project includes 21,5 km in length, with 17 km of tunnels and 6 km in the largest of them. The work will facilitate the transportation of cargo, access to an important location and will boost the regional economy.

Driving down Serra do Mar is a remarkable experience for many drivers who travel along the highways of the state of São Paulo.

However, a new project promises to transform this trajectory with a monumental impact.

Imagine the construction of the largest road tunnel in the country, integrating innovations and resources that redefined the transportation of cargo and passengers between the plateau and the coast of São Paulo.

This work is not just an engineering ambition, but also a strategy to boost the national economy.

On January 10, 2025, the Sao Paulo's State Government announced the expansion of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes, including a third lane that will house the new 6-kilometer-long tunnel, making it the largest in Brazil.

With a total length of 21,5 km, 17 km of which are through tunnels, this infrastructure is a solution to meet the growing flow of vehicles and improve access to Baixada Santista.

Innovative features

The new track of Highway dos Imigrantes will be equipped with three lanes, a shoulder and a reversible structure to meet seasonal traffic demands, such as long holidays.

The route will begin at km 43, in São Bernardo do Campo, and will extend to km 265 of the Cônego Domênico Rangoni Highway, in Cubatão.

This direct connection will benefit the Cubatão Industrial Hub, the port terminals of Santos and Guarujá, as well as access to the region's beaches.

The largest tunnel, measuring exactly 5.940 meters, will be accompanied by parallel tunnels designed for emergencies and maintenance.

According to the São Paulo government, ventilation towers, exhaust fans and internal accesses will be installed to improve air conditioning, reduce gas emissions and speed up assistance to vehicles in the event of a breakdown or accident.

Impact on cargo transportation

One of the biggest advantages of the new track is its ramp with a 4% incline, allowing the circulation of trucks and buses.

Currently, the second lane of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes is restricted to light vehicles, which limits the flow of goods.

With this change, cargo transportation between the plateau and the coast will be more efficient and safe, meeting the logistical demands of the Port of Santos, the largest in Latin America.

Comparison with the Tamoios Highway

Until now, the largest road tunnel in the country is the so-called “Tunnel 3/4”, on the Tamoios Highway, with 5.555 meters. Located in the Paraíba Valley, it connects the plateau to the northern coast of São Paulo.

However, the new project on Rodovia dos Imigrantes will surpass this mark, bringing an even more robust infrastructure.

The technology planned for the Imigrantes tunnel should be similar to that used on the Tamoios Highway, including ventilation systems, emissions control and emergency access.

The difference is that the Imigrantes tunnel will be unique in its segment, while the “Tunnel 3/4” is made up of two tunnels connected by a viaduct.

Regional benefits

The project will have a direct impact on the regional economy, facilitating access to important logistics and tourism hubs.

The Cubatão Industrial Hub, which concentrates large-scale industries, and the port terminals of Santos and Guarujá will benefit from the improvement in cargo and passenger transportation.

Furthermore, the new structure promises to reduce travel time and fuel consumption, contributing to a more efficient and sustainable operation.

For tourists, access to the beaches of Guarujá and Bertioga will be facilitated, boosting the tourism sector.

Deadline and expectation

With completion scheduled for 2026, the work is already raising expectations. government The state guarantees that the new track will be delivered on time, with all the required safety and quality standards.

According to experts, the project could establish a new standard for road infrastructure in Brazil, serving as a model for future initiatives.

Now we just have to wait and see how this transformation will impact transportation and the regional economy. Do you believe that this work is sufficient to meet the growing logistics demand of the state of São Paulo? Leave your opinion in the comments!

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25/01/2025 16:14

You have to build a track between the Rodoanel and the south coast between Itanhaém and Peruíbe because I think it would be better than there.

Alisson Ficher

Journalist graduated in 2017 and working in the field since 2015, with six years of experience in print magazines, stints on broadcast TV channels and over 12 online publications. Specialist in politics, jobs, economics, courses, among other topics. Professional registration: 0087134/SP. If you have any questions, want to report an error or suggest a topic on the topics covered on the site, please contact us by email: alisson.hficher@outlook.com. We do not accept resumes!

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