Home MT State Government may open a line of credit so that low-income people can access solar energy

MT State Government may open a line of credit so that low-income people can access solar energy

9 July 2021 to 11: 19
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State government - MT - solar energy - low income
Solar energy panels – Credits: gena

MT state government is studying the possibility of opening a solar energy line of credit for low-income families

In this Tuesday's session (6), the state deputy, Faissal Calil (PV), presented an indication to the State Government of MT for the opening of a line of credit so that low-income people can install, in their homes, photovoltaic solar energy systems. The request for the credit line was made a week after the Legislative Assembly of Mato Grosso (ALMT) overturned the veto to the project that proposes the ICMS collection in the state.

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Credit line will include the purchase and installation of solar panels

According to the indication to the State Government of MT, presented by Faissal, which has deputy Gilberto Cattani (PSL) as co-author, the financing will include the purchase and installation of solar energy panels and also other equipment for its operationalization.

Faissal points out that the need to create a line of credit for low-income people to encourage the use of solar energy is due to the obstacles that the population finds in paying the high electricity rates that are currently charged, especially now that we are facing a water crisis.

Pandemic and increase in electricity bill affects low-income families

According to the state deputy, the pandemic has worsened the financial situation of a large part of the population, greatly damaging the economic conditions of Brazilian families, especially low-income ones. Along with the pandemic, constant increases in the light bill also contributed to the worsening situation.

Most families have failed to put some basic items on the table so that they can afford the high tariffs, and it is essential to create alternatives that meet the needs of these people, and the line of credit for solar energy is one of them.

Understand who will be awarded the MT State Government credit line

Solar energy is energy produced from sunlight and can be generated even on cloudy and rainy days, being a renewable and clean source. Energy offers several advantages and can be applied for two different purposes, such as solar panels installed in homes, companies or agribusinesses or solar collectors for water heating.

The deputy states that the benefit of the State Government of MT will be destined to those families that have a per capita income of less than half a minimum wage. According to Faissal, we are facing a water crisis and it is necessary to find alternative sources of energy and there is no better solution for low-income families.

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