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New ethanol plant in Brazil should generate 1200 jobs for the population

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 05/08/2024 às 19:17
New Cedro da Pedra Agroindustrial Plant in Paranaíba is expected to generate 1,2 jobs and boost local development in 2024.
Photo: Canva

New Cedro da Pedra Agroindustrial Plant in Paranaíba is expected to generate 1,2 jobs and boost local development in 2024.

The Pedra Agroindustrial group, one of the biggest names in the sugar and alcohol sector in Brazil, announced the acquisition of its first plant outside the State of São Paulo. At the beginning of January, the company concluded the purchase of Usina Orbi Bioenergia, located in Paranaíba, Mato Grosso do Sul. The transaction marks a new chapter in the expansion of the group, which already has a long history of success in the ethanol, sugar and electricity, also generating several job vacancies for the population.

Acquisition of the ethanol plant

The acquisition of Power plant Orbi Bioenergia was published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU), after the completion of legal procedures and approval by the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade).

The negotiation, which had been on hold since November 2021, was finally closed, allowing Pedra Agroindustrial to take over the operation of the plant. The value of the transaction was not disclosed.

On January 6, representatives from Pedra Agroindustrial visited Paranaíba to meet with Mayor Maycol Queiroz (PDT).

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the initial steps for the operation of the new plant. Among the topics covered were the need for a study on rural roads and bridges that will be used to transport production.

Planning and expectations

A new plant, which will be called Cedro in reference to a cedar tree in the region, is expected to begin crushing the first harvest in 2024.

The initial forecast is to process around 1,2 million tons of sugar cane, with the goal of reaching 5 million tons over time.

Currently, the plant is in the pre-operation phase, which includes the formation of sugarcane fields and the installation of industrial equipment.

The construction schedule establishes the completion of the facilities for 2024, with a projected daily production capacity of 310 thousand liters of anhydrous ethanol and 580 thousand liters of hydrated ethanol.

Sérgio Luiz dos Santos, agricultural corporate manager at Pedra Agroindustrial, highlighted the complexity involved in creating a new plant.

“Starting a plant from scratch is extensive work. It requires several measures, from hiring staff to improving roads. Our objective is to establish the plant in Paranaíba permanently, with a strong interface with public authorities and the local community,” he stated.

Santos emphasized the importance of collaboration between the company, public authorities and environmental agencies for the development of the project, ensuring that all licenses and deadlines are respected.

Economic and social impact of the plant

Pedra Agroindustrial projects that the new Cedro plant will create around 1,2 direct and indirect jobs in the region.

The arrival of the plant represents an important contribution to the labor market local, in addition to promoting the economic development of Paranaíba.

History and expansion

Completing 90 years, Pedra Agroindustrial is known for its operations in the sugar and alcohol sector, with three production units located in São Paulo: Usina da Pedra in Serrana, Usina Buriti in Buritizal and Usina Ipê in Nova Independência.

The group has a total crushing capacity of 10,52 million tons of sugar cane per harvest and can produce up to 3,24 million liters of anhydrous ethanol and 5,2 million liters of hydrated ethanol per day.

The Cedro Plant will be the first unit production of Pedra Agroindustrial outside the State of São Paulo, marking a significant expansion for the group.

The expectation is that the new unit will not only strengthen the company's presence in the national market, but also contribute to the economic growth of the region.

The acquisition of Usina Orbi Bioenergia and the creation of Usina Cedro represent an important step for Pedra Agroindustrial.

In addition to expanding its operations to Mato Grosso do Sul, the company is committed to local development and job creation, strengthening its position as a leader in the sugar and alcohol sector.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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