In a statement, Petrobras reinforces its commitment to the broad transparency of its divestment projects and portfolio management
Petrobras informed on the morning of this day (18/12) in a material fact that it concluded the negotiation for the sale of 50% of BSBios Indústria e Comércio de Biodiesel Sul Brasil. The buyer will be RP Participações em Biocombustíveis, which should pay around R$ 319 million, if the transaction is approved. Looking for a job? Technicians summoned for job openings at Petrobras' Guamaré Terminal
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PBio's Executive Board approved forwarding the matter for deliberation by the relevant Petrobras bodies. The transaction is still subject to the approval of the General Meeting of PBio and the fulfillment of other customary conditions precedent.
The amount already considers net debt deductions and other price adjustments. The value assigned to 100% of BSBios is R$1,23 billion.
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In a statement, Petrobras reinforces its commitment to the broad transparency of its divestment projects and portfolio management and informs that the subsequent stages will be disclosed to the market.
About BSBios
BSBios owns two biodiesel plants: one in Passo Fundo (RS), with a production capacity of 414 thousand m³/year, crushing capacity of 1.152 thousand tons/year and storage capacity for 120 thousand tons of grains, 60 thousand tons of bran and 7,5 thousand m³ of biodiesel; and another located in Marialva (PR), with a production capacity of 414 thousand m³/year and storage of 3 thousand m³ of vegetable oil, 1,5 thousand m³ of animal fat and 4,5 thousand m³ of biodiesel.
Petrobras pays BRL 190 million over settlement in Sete Brasil arbitration
Petrobras announced in a material fact last night (17/12) that it will pay R$ 190 million to the Previ fund, from Banco do Brasil, to finalize the arbitration dispute over losses related to the Thirst Brazil
"The value is reflected in the company's financial statements for the 3rd quarter of 2020", says Petrobras. “The company remains in defense of its interests in the ongoing processes”, he concludes.
The state-owned company paid R$ 190 million to Previ. According to Petrobras, the agreement extinguishes the dispute without acknowledgment of guilt or responsibility by both parties and its terms and the arbitration process are protected by confidentiality”, adds the statement.