Home Why should we really invest in electric cars? Simplicity, less maintenance and operational savings according to experts

Why should we really invest in electric cars? Simplicity, less maintenance and operational savings according to experts

4 January 2024 to 17: 01
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Why should we really invest in electric cars? Simplicity, less maintenance and operational savings according to experts
Photo: Disclosure/Ford Mustang Mach-E

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, not only for their sustainability, but also for their ease of maintenance and lower operating costs when compared to combustion vehicles. Let's explore the specific benefits of electric cars, like Ford's Mustang Mach-E.

One of the main attractions of electric cars is the significant reduction in the number of components that require regular maintenance. Unlike the combustion vehicles, which require frequent oil and coolant changes, electric vehicles have fewer moving parts, which reduces wear and tear over time. In the case of the Mustang Mach-E, Ford recommends maintenance only every two years.

Savings with electric cars are not just limited to maintenance. Operating costs are considerably lower. Studies by EV Klub Polska/PSPA in 2023 reveal that the cost can be 23 PLN per 100 kilometers, reducing to 12-15 PLN when charging at home. These numbers represent a Huge savings compared to fossil fuel costs.

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Longevity and warranty

A specific example of durability in electric cars is the battery coolant in the Mustang Mach-E, which only needs to be replaced once every ten years. And of course, many vital components, such as the high-voltage battery and charger board, have 8 year or 160.000 km warranty in Europe. In Poland, Ford offers an 8-year general warranty and also a standard service package for the Mustang Mach-E.


In addition to economic and maintenance aspects, electric cars also offer excellent performance. The instantaneous acceleration and energy efficiency These are just some of the attributes that are winning over more and more drivers.

Electric cars represent not only an environmentally conscious choice, but also an economically advantageous option. With less maintenance required, extensive warranties and reduced operating costs, they are becoming the preferred choice for many consumers. The growing popularity of these vehicles is a testimony to your numerous benefits.

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