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Revolution in aviation: Engine of the silent supersonic X-59 aircraft operates at full afterburner for the first time

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 01/01/2025 às 15:41
Revolution in aviation: Engine of the silent supersonic X-59 aircraft operates at full afterburner for the first time
The X-59's engine is also designed to be more fuel efficient, even at supersonic speeds. It also uses advanced materials to withstand extreme temperatures without compromising safety.

NASA tests the X-59 supersonic jet engine at full afterburner for the first time, marking a historic advance in aviation with a focus on supersonic speed and reduced sonic booms.

A plane capable of hurtling through the sky at supersonic speeds, but without that terrifying roar that makes you jump out of your seat. Sounds like science fiction? Not anymore! The engine on NASA’s silent X-59 supersonic jet has just taken a huge step in that direction, operating at full afterburner for the first time. This not only marks a technological breakthrough, but also redefines what we mean by supersonic aviation.

What is the X-59 and why is it revolutionary?

The X-59, the centerpiece of NASA's Quest mission, and much more than a fast plane. It represents the ambition of flying at supersonic speeds without causing the traditional sonic booms. These loud noises have always been the biggest obstacle to the acceptance of supersonic flight over inhabited areas.

The Quest (Silent Supersonic Transport) mission has a clear goal: to prove that it is possible to fly above the speed of sound without disturbing those on the ground. The X-59 uses an innovative design that controls how sound waves propagate, reducing the booms to something more like a soft “thud.”

With its long, thin nose, the X-59 looks like something out of a futuristic movie. This shape is essential for smoothing out the shock waves created during flight. Every part has been designed to maximize efficiency, safety and, of course, silence.

The engine test at maximum afterburner: an important milestone

The X-59's engine is designed to be quiet even at high power, reducing environmental noise impact. It is also capable of automatically adjusting performance to maintain stability at different altitudes.
The X-59's engine is designed to be quiet even at high power, reducing environmental noise impact. It is also capable of automatically adjusting performance to maintain stability at different altitudes.

On December 12, the X-414's F100-GE-59 engine was tested at its maximum afterburner. What does that mean? Basically, the engine was pushed to its limits to ensure it can meet the demands of supersonic flight.

This is no ordinary engine. It is equipped with an afterburner, a device that adds extra fuel to the airflow to generate more power. During testing, the engine operated at optimal temperatures and airflow, showing that it is ready for takeoff.

Another crucial point of the test was to check how the engine works in conjunction with other systems on the plane. And the result? Impeccable synchronization, essential for success of the first flight.

How the X-59 promises to change the future of aviation

The X-59 is not just a technological innovation; it is a glimpse of what air transport can become.

By eliminating the sonic boom problem, the X-59 could make supersonic flight a viable option for commercial flights. Imagine crossing continents in a matter of hours, without sacrificing comfort or quietness.

Thanks to its advanced design, the X-59 promises to fly almost like a ghost. This technology could open the door to supersonic routes over land, something that was previously unthinkable.

What to expect from the X-59 in 2025?

The first flight of the X-59 is scheduled to take place in 2025, and expectations are high.

NASA and Lockheed Martin are working together to ensure everything is ready. Ground tests have already shown that the engine is up to the challenge.

Despite the progress, there are still issues to be resolved, such as additional certifications and testing. But if all goes well, the X-59 could redefine aviation standards.

The engine of the silent supersonic aircraft X-59 is a taste of the future that awaits us: faster, quieter and more efficient aircraft. If the X-59 fulfill your promises, it will not only be a victory for technology, but a leap for all humanity.

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Rodrigo Luciano
Rodrigo Luciano
02/01/2025 12:10

It will be a revolution in civil aviation, but it will certainly be another weapon of American oppression to threaten any country that does not align with American interests. Then the Russians and Chinese developed similar technology, then France, Germany, England, India, and so the world will be an increasingly safe and peaceful place because at least ten nations will have the ability to blow everything up, lol.

Orli Muniz da Costa
Orli Muniz da Costa
02/01/2025 22:21

Schou, I have my daughter in the aviation field, which I am very proud of,… …

Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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