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Ronma Solar: Visionary Leader in the Global Solar Energy Landscape in 2024

Written by Corporate
Published 22/01/2025 às 10:12
Updated 23/01/2025 às 13:50
Chinese company, PV module manufacturer, solar energy, global market, significant growth, production facilities, market demand, clean and sustainable energy
Ronma Solar: Standout among the largest global solar energy manufacturers in 2024'. - PHOTO: ©2025|RONMA SOLAR Press

Discover how Ronma Solar becomes a giant in clean and sustainable energy

In 2024, Ronma Solar, a prominent chinese company, stood out by reaching the global top 20 of photovoltaic module manufacturers, with an impressive solar cells. This advancement highlights its commitment to the global market for solar energy and provides significant growth for the company. Ronma Solar’s ​​production facilities have expanded rapidly since 2021, meeting the growing market demand for clean and sustainable energy. Since then, they have expanded their operations internationally, gaining prominence in renewable energy reforms and the search for less polluting alternatives.

Global Growth and Expansion

Since its founding, Ronma Solar has focused on innovation and efficiency. In 2021, it began expansion projects that doubled its facilities, preparing for the growing market demands. The company continuously works to strengthen its market position by prioritizing innovation in its operations.

Ronma Solar’s ​​future looks bright. They are committed to technological adjustments and new business models that prioritize sustainability.

Towards a Sustainable Future

With decisive steps and a clear vision, Ronma Solar remains a leader in the pursuit of a greener and more energy-efficient future. The continued reduction of costs in the use of solar energy and the strengthening of strategic partnerships around the world are proof of its dedication.

Ronma Solar: Rise in the Global Market

In 2024, according to a report by Solarbe Global, Ronma Solar has significantly consolidated its position in the global solar energy market. This renowned Chinese company has reached the Top 20 largest corporations in the global ranking of photovoltaic module exports, a considerable milestone for Ronma Solar. With an impressive annual production of 5,8 gigawatts (GW), the company has shown significant growth since its founding in 2018, positioning itself as a major manufacturer of photovoltaic modules.

Expansion and Innovation of Production Facilities

Specialized in research, production and marketing of solar cells of monocrystalline silicon, both P-type and N-type, Ronma Solar operates three extensive production facilities strategically located in China, in cities such as Jinhua (Zhejiang), Dongying (Shandong) and Kunshan (Jiangsu). The company has not only strengthened its domestic but also international presence, opening sales offices in key countries such as Brazil, the Netherlands, India, South Africa and Uzbekistan. This move reflects its strategy to embrace the global solar energy market.

Growth and Demand in the Global Solar Energy Market

The global renewable energy market has witnessed remarkable expansion, and Ronma Solar plays a crucial role in this transformation. According to the report, the market environment remains favorable and dynamic, with new PV installations reaching record levels and market demand for renewable energy growing steadily. This context provides Ronma Solar with the ideal opportunity to innovate and advance.

Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability

Ronma Solar attributes its success to the trust it has built with partners and customers, as well as its unwavering commitment to innovation and sustainability in the solar energy sector. According to Bruno Kovalski, Marketing Manager at Ronma Solar Brazil, “This result reflects the hard work of our team, our commitment to quality and innovation, as well as the trust we have earned from our customers and partners around the world.” With a production capacity of 2 gigawatts (GW) of photovoltaic cells, the company continues to invest in advanced technology to meet the growing global demand for clean and sustainable energy.

Source: RONMA SOLAR Press

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