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Salary of R$2.055,30 + R$990,00 food voucher and R$350,00 childcare allowance and other benefits! Sesi is hiring an Arts Instructor to work 22 hours per week, find out more

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 23/01/2025 às 15:59
Salary of R$2.055,30 + R$990,00 food voucher and R$350,00 childcare allowance and other benefits! Sesi is hiring an Arts Instructor to work 22 hours per week, find out more
Salary of R$2.055,30 + R$990,00 food voucher and R$350,00 childcare allowance and other benefits! Sesi is hiring an Arts Instructor to work 22 hours per week, find out more

Arts Instructor I at SESI Lajeado RS: Salary of R$2.055,30 with Attractive Benefits and Flexible Hours

The opportunity is aimed at music professionals who seek to positively impact cultural education. With a competitive salary, robust benefits and flexible hours, the position at SESI offers stability and professional growth.

If you are looking for job openings in the area of ​​cultural education, SESI Lajeado RS is accepting applications for the position of Arts Instructor I. This unique opportunity offers a starting salary of R$2.055,30, in addition to benefits such as medical assistance, private pension and food vouchers of up to R$990,00. The workload is 22 hours per week, distributed from Monday to Thursday, providing a balance between personal and professional life.

Admission process

The selection process for the position of Arts Instructor I at SESI Lajeado RS consists of several rigorous stages that aim to identify the ideal candidate. The first stage consists of a curriculum analysis, where the professional's experience and training will be assessed. After this screening, the approved candidates will undergo an objective test, covering knowledge of Portuguese, mathematics and logical reasoning.

In addition, a practical activity, where the candidate must plan and teach a music lesson lasting between 20 and 30 minutes. The activity will be evaluated based on communication skills, organization and technical mastery of the content. Finally, those approved will participate in interviews with HR and managers, followed by the submission of documents and a medical examination.

SESI seeks professionals who demonstrate leadership, planning and teaching excellence skills. The steps are meticulous to ensure the hiring of a professional who is aligned with the institution's values ​​and objectives.

Arts Instructor I – Lajeado, RS

the wave of Arts Instructor I at SESI Lajeado is aimed at professionals with a background in music and experience in teaching classes or participating in social and educational projects related to the area. The professional will be responsible for conducting continuing education courses, preparing reports, preparing training sessions and monitoring student performance.

With a workload of 22 hours per week, the work will be carried out from Monday to Thursday, from 13:30 pm to 19:15 pm, with a 15-minute break. The position requires involvement and passion for music education, and is an excellent opportunity for those seeking social impact through art.

About SESI

O Social Service for Industry (SESI) SESI is one of the main institutions promoting education, health and quality of life in Brazil. Present throughout the country, SESI works to transform the lives of industrial workers and their communities, promoting social and cultural development.

In Lajeado, SESI is recognized for its excellence in cultural and educational programs, constantly investing in the training of its professionals and in the innovation of its teaching methodologies. The institution offers a collaborative environment full of opportunities for growth, where every employee has the chance to make a difference.

SESI values ​​its professionals, offering a robust benefits package and support for ongoing development. The institution also stands out for its commitment to sustainability and the promotion of cultural initiatives that positively impact the community.

Job Requirements

To apply for the position of Arts Instructor I, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Formation: Completed high school and specific courses in the area of ​​music.
  • Experience: Experience in music classes or social/educational projects linked to music.
  • Technical knowledge: Reading sheet music, practicing music teaching and participating in events such as seminars, conferences and workshops in the area of ​​music.
  • Skills: Communication, leadership, planning and organization skills.

Job Benefits

SESI offers an attractive benefits package, ensuring quality of life and support for the professional development of employees:

  • For Health: Medical assistance (UNIMED), dental assistance (SESI/RS) and 24-hour telemedicine.
  • For Displacement: Transport voucher and possibility of reimbursement or vehicle for travel.
  • For Food: Food voucher (R$990,00) or meal voucher (R$45/day) and restaurant at the unit.
  • For the Pocket: Private pension, childcare assistance (R$380,00) and credit union (CRESUL).
  • Other: Life insurance, emotional support program (PAE) and financial subsidy for courses and training.

These benefits reinforce SESI's commitment to providing a healthy, balanced work environment focused on personal and professional growth.

How to apply

Those interested in the position must register by the 27 January 2025, through the official SESI portal. It is essential that the resume is up to date, detailing experiences and qualifications related to music. During registration, the candidate must prepare the lesson plan for the practical activity, which must be brought on a pen drive on the day of the test.

After registration, selected candidates will be contacted for the next steps, including an objective test, practical activities and interviews. For additional questions, you can consult the official notice or contact the SESI recruitment team.

This is an excellent opportunity for those looking for jobs in the area of ​​music education, with robust benefits and a collaborative and innovative work environment.


Source: Fiergs

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Jose Alonso Pires Jr.
Jose Alonso Pires Jr.
25/01/2025 08:45

Good morning, I'm looking for a job like this. I'm a security guard, doorman, etc.

Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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