Many people interested in installing photovoltaic panels do not know how they can sell solar energy. With each passing day, the number of Brazilians interested in carrying out this installation increases, since, until January 2023, there is the end of the legal framework that determines that everyone who makes this investment will not need to pay ICMS taxes on what is produced. And, for entrepreneurs, selling photovoltaic panels is an alternative to profit and grow in a booming market.
How to sell solar energy? Do you need to do something to make this possible? How can I earn money? You can sell solar energy by installing panels and producing KWh, in practice or by reselling it, offering electrical services.
It is not always possible to earn money directly when producing your own energy. That is, the company responsible for the distribution of your city or state will not pay an extra amount every month for what you produce.
In fact, everything that is produced will be injected into the network in the form of credit. That is, if you inject around 330 kWh, you will have this amount of credit to spend in the coming months. And, moreover, if the citizen has more than one energy bill in his name, and is producing more than is spent by a particular residence, company or establishment, he can use this credit to deduct from the other account that does not have the installation.
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With this in mind, it is common for some people to negotiate with neighbors or friends so that their electricity bill is in the same name as the one who installed the photovoltaic panel. Therefore, the neighbor would not need to pay the electricity bill because the extra credits from the other's production would be canceling out their expenses. In this way, instead of paying the energy bill to the electric company, you must pay the owner of the panel what was consumed.
Selling solar energy as an individual
Although this previously mentioned method is widely applied among Brazilians to sell solar energy, since the energy company does not allow the return in cash of what was produced more than to spend, putting other people's account in their own name does not it is one of the best alternatives. This practice should only be carried out with trusted people to prevent future inconvenience.
And, of course, leaving this accumulated credit is also an alternative to satisfy future needs: in winter, it is common for the solar panel to have a much lower production than in summer due to the decrease in the incidence of solar rays. With that in mind, you can leave the accumulated credits to be spent during the months when production is less than you usually spend – this alternative is ideal for companies, especially in months when the tariff is more expensive.
I want to sell photovoltaic panels as an entrepreneur, how to do it?
The process for selling photovoltaic panels for solar energy production as a company instead of an individual is different. To ensure that your customers will have quality equipment and durable photovoltaic panels, with very high durability, it will be necessary to join companies that carry out the production and can supply the material at low cost to be resold.
To do so, some initial steps need to be followed, such as opening a company with Tax ID (National Register of Legal Entities) and the hiring of employees specialized in electrical, who are usually technicians, to carry out the assemblies and installations for the clients.