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Post offices close branches in several states: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Paraná and others

Published 13/01/2025 às 23:00
post offices
Photo: Reproduction

What are the reasons behind this decision and how could it impact postal services and consumers across the country? Find out the details of this significant change.

The Brazilian Postal Service announced the closure of 38 branches of the agencies known as CEM (Correios Empresa), scheduled to take place on February 1. The decision, announced internally on December 27, also includes the reduction in size of 19 of the 49 agencies that will remain in operation.

CEMs specialize in serving companies, offering personalized services. According to the state-owned company, the measure was based on a technical study carried out in October, which indicated low economic viability of these units.

The financial impact is one of the main reasons given by the state-owned company. With the closure of activities, the forecast is to save approximately R$8 million.

However, the measure was not well received by unions, who questioned the decision in internal communications.Isn't it a contradiction for the Post Office Presidency to close the 38 (thirty-eight) CEM units? And what about the Post Office's policy of customer centricity, how will customers be served?”, they questioned in a note.

Official statement from the Post Office

In response to the website Power360, the state-owned company justified the action as necessary to reduce costs and attributed the creation of these units to the previous administration. “TheThe Correios Empresas branches were created by the previous management. The current assessment carried out by the company's technical areas is that the closed units were not delivering the expected results. Thus, the decision aimed to optimize resources, valuing the company's business and the public interest.“, stated the official note.

Impacted locations

The agencies to be closed are distributed across several cities and capitals across the country. Among the affected states are São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul, among others. Check out the list:

  • Sao Paulo: American, Araraquara, Atibaia, Itu, Piracicaba, Santos.
  • Rio de Janeiro: Barra do Piraí, Niterói, Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro (Baixada Fluminense and North Zone).
  • Minas Gerais: New York, New York, New York, New York City, New York City.
  • Parana: Arapongas, Curitiba, London, Ponta Grossa.
  • Rio Grande do Sul: South, South.
  • St. Catarina: Florianopolis, Joinville, Criciuma.
  • Other States: Belém (PA), Natal and Caicó (RN), Aracaju (SE), Salvador (BA), Maceió (AL), Brasília (DF), Vila Velha and Serra (ES), among others.

Reactions and next steps

The measure has drawn criticism from businesspeople who use the personalized services of CEM agencies. Many claim that closing these units could harm service and create difficulties for companies that depend on agile and centralized logistical support.

Meanwhile, the management of Correios maintains its decision and maintains that the changes aim to modernize and strengthen the company, in the face of financial and operational challenges. The restructuring marks another step in the attempt to make the state-owned company more competitive in the logistics market.

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