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A giant of the seas! USS Constitution, the oldest frigate in the world, survived pirates, wars and after 225 years, remains in activity

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 07/08/2024 às 21:17
USS Constitution: the 225-year-old ship that survived wars and pirates and now sails as a floating museum.
Source: uss constitution museum

USS Constitution: the 225-year-old ship that survived wars and pirates and now sails as a floating museum.

O USS Constitution, one of the most notable vessels in United States naval history, is still sailing after 225 years since its first voyage. Launched in 1797, the ship is one of the few examples of ancient frigates that are still in activity. The frigate is not only an icon of American history, but also a testament to 18th century naval engineering. Named by George Washington, the USS Constitution played significant roles in numerous wars and conflicts, and today is an enduring symbol of naval tradition and American resilience.

USS Constitution military history and conflicts

The USS Constitution is known for its involvement in several major conflicts. During its military career, the frigate participated in the Quasi-War with France, which occurred between 1798 and 1800.

This conflict was a series of naval skirmishes between the US and France, which did not become an official war.

Another pivotal moment in the history of the USS Constitution was its participation in the Tripoli War, which raged between 1801 and 1805.

In this war, the ship faced the Barbary pirates, who threatened trade in the Mediterranean.

The frigate stood out in battles against these pirates, reinforcing the American naval presence in the region.

The Anglo-American War of 1812 was another significant chapter for the USS Constitution. During this conflict, the ship fought against the British Navy.

One of the most notable feats occurred when the USS Constitution defeated the British ship Guerriere. This victory became a milestone in the ship's history and is still celebrated today.

Service and transformations

During the American Civil War, the USS Constitution was removed from combat operations and began serving as a training vessel.

In 1881 the ship was officially retired from military services. However, the story of the USS Constitution was far from over.

In 1907, the ship was turned into a museum. Since then, it has undergone several renovations to preserve its structure and history.

In 1997, the USS Constitution celebrated its 200th anniversary with a short voyage under its own power.

The celebration included an approximately 40-minute crossing, which marked the event as a testament to the ship's durability and historical importance.

USS Constitution also celebrated the bicentennial of one of its most important victories in 2012.

The celebration marked the 200th anniversary of the victory over the Guerriere, an achievement that further solidified the ship's reputation.

USS Constitution current role and navigation

Currently, the USS Constitution no longer participates in battles or military missions. Instead, the ship serves as a floating museum, offering visitors a direct look at American naval history.

It carries out at least one annual navigation, during which it inverts its position in Boston Harbor to minimize the effects of the weather on its hull.

The USS Constitution is commanded by a 75-member crew. The ship is 62 meters long, weighs around 2,2 tons and is equipped with more than 50 weapons.

These weapons are capable of hitting targets at a distance of 1,1 km, a characteristic that dates back to their military past.

Current command

In January 2022, the USS Constitution was commanded by a woman for the first time in its history. Billie J. Farrell took the helm, marking a new chapter for the ship.

Female leadership is an important milestone, reflecting the evolution and modernization of the U.S. Military.

The ship continues to be an important piece of American heritage. It not only represents the military history of the United States, but also serves as a symbol of perseverance and tradition.

Its continued existence after 225 years is a testament to the skill of the engineers and builders who designed and maintained the ship over the centuries.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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