Did you serve 25 years working as an electrician before the INSS Reform? It is possible to apply for retirement without needing a minimum age
Electricians who work exposed to an electrical voltage of more than 250 volts are entitled to INSS retirement with less length of service, even if they are not exposed to the harmful agent during the entire working day. See what changes with the Pension Reform and the new retirement rules that came into effect yesterday, November 12
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See how an Electrician can receive the Special Retirement from the INSS.
Before the Social Security Reform, it was enough for professionals to complete 25 years of work in a special activity to guarantee the right to Special Retirement. There was no minimum age requirement.
CURRENTLY, with the new Social Security rules, it is necessary to complete the required period of effective exposure to the harmful agent and also to reach a minimum age.
In the case of electrician retirement, it will then be necessary to be 60 years old plus 25 years of effective special activity. This rule applies to both men and women.
Proof of special time through documentation is essential, and the two main documents required by the INSS are:
In order to prove that the work was carried out under special working conditions, the insured Electrician employee must apply for the Profissiográfica Previdenciary Profile (PPP) at the company where he provided services.
The self-employed Electrician (who worked on his own) must hire an occupational physician or occupational safety engineer, duly accredited by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTb) to prepare the Technical Report on Environmental Conditions at Work (LTCAT).
The PPP and LTCAT bring information regarding the technical conditions of the electrician's workplace and the agents to which the worker is being exposed. For example, exposure to electricity with a voltage greater than 250 volts must be documented in these documents.
The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) not prevents the professional from receiving this benefit.
Auto electricians (cars, trucks, buses) who have contact with 12-volt batteries are also entitled to special retirement, but not because of electricity, but because of their contact with chemical agents.
Refusal of the INSS
ATTENTION! The INSS did not accept your time as an Electrician and YOU want to know if there is a way to recover this right, why did you end up retiring without this advantage?
If you believe you have already served 25 years working as an electrician before the Reform was enacted, it is possible to apply for retirement without needing a minimum age, that is, by the previous rules.
In the cases of those who retired and had the benefit rejected or even granted with less than the amount due, you can take advantage of the decision of the Superior Court of Justice and ask for the review of retirement.
The deadline for correcting the value of the benefit is ten years, and if the INSS does not accept the appeal, the worker can ask for help in court.
How to apply for the electrician's special retirement?
Professional Electricians may request their retirement from the INSS by calling 135 or on the My INSS portal.
There is no option to choose a specific schedule for special retirement. It will be necessary to apply for retirement by contribution time and request, in writing, the recognition of special periods.
The ideal is to analyze your situation before placing the order, before filing your order, you need to take some precautions.
Incomplete documentation, for example, can bring a lot of damage. Therefore, before forwarding your retirement, the right thing is to seek the support of a professional specialist in retirement.