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Federal Government will offer hundreds of areas for mineral exploration

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 06/09/2020 às 08:41
Federal Government Mineral Mining Ore
Ore exploration site – publicity photo

The areas are abundant in mineral(s) used in construction such as crushed stone, gypsum and sand. There will also be concessions for other types of ore

The Federal Government will offer hundreds of plans to grant concessions for 502 areas for mineral exploration, as part of an effort to attract more investment in the sector and diversify the country's mining production.

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The areas are rich in construction materials such as sand, gravel and plaster, according to an official note, but the government also intends to grant other concessions.

À National Mining Agency (ANM) has around 57.000 areas that can be offered for exploration in its portfolio, covering approximately 500Mkm², the agency said in a statement.

The opening of new areas for exploration was suspended by the extinct production department DNPM mineral.

All areas offered are in the application or authorization phase. Those interested will have 60 days to request the areas, from the date of publication of the public notice. Notice details are here.i.

Brazil is highly dependent on relatively few products, with iron ore accounting for nearly 60% of mining revenues in the second quarter, gold 13,7% and copper 7,8%, according to mining association Ibram.

Paulo Nogueira

With a technical background, I worked in the offshore oil and gas market for a few years. Today, my team and I are dedicated to bringing information from the Brazilian energy sector and the world, always with credible and up-to-date sources.

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