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Magnetic levitation train at UFRJ: Brazil surprises and is one of the first countries on the planet to revolutionize rail transport!

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 08/08/2024 às 19:59
train - railway - magnetic levitation - brazil - technology

Brazil is on its way to revolutionizing rail transport with the MagLev-Cobra, a magnetic levitation train developed by UFRJ: With cutting-edge technology and a new phase of testing scheduled for this year, the country is joining the world's few to explore this innovation!

Brazil is increasingly closer to joining the world elite in railway technology with the development of MagLev-Cobra, a magnetic levitation train which promises to transform urban transport. Led by Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the project advances to a new phase of full-scale testing, bringing with it the promise of silent, sustainable and incredibly efficient transport. And best of all? We are talking about a genuinely Brazilian technology, which places the country alongside nations such as Japan and China, according to Jornalmetropolis.

MagLev-Cobra: The new generation of urban transport

O MagLev-Cobra, the name of the vehicle developed by UFRJ, is much more than an ordinary train. Using the superconducting levitation (SML) technology, this train floats just inches from the tracks, which eliminates friction and allows for smooth, silent travel. With capacity to transport up to 20 passengers, the train is about to begin a new phase of testing on a 200-meter elevated track between Technology Centers 1 and 2 at UFRJ, in Fundão Island, Rio de Janeiro.

What makes this project even more impressive is that MagLev-Cobra is not a simple experiment. This is the first full-scale experimental vehicle in the world equipped with this specific levitation technology. It's as if we are watching the future of transport materialize before our eyes!

A pioneering and innovative project

The history of MagLev-Cobra began more than two decades ago, in 1998, as an initiative by Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Engineering Research (Coppe) at UFRJ, in partnership with Polytechnic School and the Institute of Physics from the same university. Since then, the project has received significant financial support, with around R$20 million invested by institutions such as Faperj, BNDES and Finep.

The first MagLev-Cobra prototype was a more artisanal effort, which operated on an experimental basis between 2015 and 2020. During this period, around 20 thousand people had the opportunity to try out this technological innovation. However, like many projects, it suffered from the impacts of the pandemic, which resulted in a pause in activities.

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But, as they say, necessity is the mother of innovation. The MagLev-Cobra has been improved, gaining new features and an industrial design, which guarantees large-scale production, if necessary. Now, the train has autonomous, driverless operation, as well as automatic door opening systems and better thermal and acoustic insulation.

Brazil at the forefront of magnetic levitation technology

Only a few countries in the world, such as Japan, China and South Korea, have magnetic levitation vehicles in operation.. Brazil, with MagLev-Cobra, is at the forefront of this technological development. Brazilian research in the area is aligned with other global initiatives in countries such as Germany, United States, France, England, Russia and Italy.

The advancement of MagLev-Cobra not only represents a milestone for science and technology in Brazil, but also an innovative response to growing demands for sustainable and efficient transport solutions. As tests progress, the country is getting closer to the possibility of offering a new form of urban mobility that could redefine the concept of public transport.

A promising future for Brazilian railways

With the MagLev-Cobra, Brazil demonstrates its ability to innovate and develop cutting-edge technology, placing itself alongside the major nations that lead research in magnetic levitation. The success of this project could pave the way for the implementation of magnetic levitation trains in other regions of the country, revolutionizing Brazilian rail transport and positioning the country as a global reference in the area.

So stay tuned! The future of transportation in Brazil may be about to take off, or rather, levitate, with the MagLev-Cobra leading this transformation. And who knows, maybe you'll soon be traveling around on one of those trains of the future?

 train – railway – magnetic levitation – brazil – technology

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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