Home Power in the production of advanced weapons: Baykar successfully tests its new KEMANKEŞ 2 mini-missile

Power in the production of advanced weapons: Baykar successfully tests its new KEMANKEŞ 2 mini-missile

24 April 2024 11 gies: 03
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photo/reproduction: baykartechnology

Baykar successfully carries out the first test of the Kemankes-2 mini-missile

According to air defense and naval, the Baykur, Turkey's leading defense company, achieved a significant milestone by successfully completing the first test firing of the Kemankes-2 mini-missile. Developed independently and originally, this missile Intelligent cruise promises to change the dynamics on the battlefield. Throughout the text we will explore the details of Kemankes-2, its advanced technology and its impact on national security.

A Turkey has stood out on the global stage as an emerging power in the production of advanced weapons, especially with regard to drones and smart missiles. Thus, with the recent addition of the Kemankes-2 Mini Missile to its arsenal, the country reinforces its strategic position in the defense industry.

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This development not only symbolizes Turkish technological advancement, but also reflects the country's commitment to establishing a presence autonomous and robust in the field of defense and national security. Thus the ability to produce sophisticated weapons domestically allows Turkey greater independence and geopolitical influence, consolidating its reputation as an innovative leader in military technology.

The Kemankes-2: A union of Türkiye and Baykar

The Kemankes-2 is a smart cruise missile with a jet engine which provides an autonomy of approximately one hour. Its ability to hit critical targets beyond front lines makes it a strategic tool for the Turkish armed forces. Let's examine the main aspects of this innovative system:

Exceptional reach

With an operational range greater than 200 km, the Kemankes-2 can hit distant targets with precision. Its optical guidance assisted by artificial intelligence (AI) allows him to destroy targets even in challenging weather conditions.

Autonomy and precision

Equipped with a system of AI-assisted autopilot, the Kemankes-2 can fly autonomously and neutralize strategic targets with high precision. This self-steering ability makes it a versatile tool for tactical missions.

Anti-interference technology

The missile incorporates technology anti-interference, ensuring that it operates without interruptions caused by electronic interference. This is crucial to maintaining reliability during critical operations.

photo/reproduction: baykartechnology

Impact and future

The success of Kemankes-2 demonstrates Turkey's ability to develop cutting-edge defense technology. In addition Baykar, world leader in drone exports, continues to strengthen its position in the defense market. With export contracts signed with 34 countries, including Bayraktar TB2 and Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV, Turkey is at the height of its aviation era. Kemankes-2 is yet another example of the country's commitment to innovation and national security.

Therefore, Kemankes-2 is a milestone for the Turkish defense industry, combining advanced technology, autonomy and precision. So, as Turkey continues to lead in research and development, we can expect more significant advances in the future.

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