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Pre-salt oil production in the Santos Basin reaches yet another historic record in Brazil, according to ANP data

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 03/05/2021 às 20:32
Oil - pre-salt - Santos Basin - ANP
Platform on the high seas / Source: VEJA

According to ANP, the Santos Basin is responsible for about 70% of national oil production, where the largest pre-salt area in Brazil is located.

The ANP (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels) released today (03/05) data that reveal that the Santos Basin – where most of the Brazilian pre-salt is located – was responsible for 70% of national production of oil in March. The values ​​shown in the Monthly Oil and Natural Gas Production Bulletin, for the month of March 2021, indicate that the Santos Basin has reached a historic milestone.

National oil and natural gas production in the Santos Basin

National production in the period was approximately 126 MMm3/d of natural gas and 2,844 MMbbl/d of oil, totaling 3,637 MMboe/d. ANP data indicate that, when compared to last month, there was an increase of 0,9% in oil production and a reduction of 3,9% in natural gas. When compared to March last year, the values ​​recorded a 4,3% drop in oil production and a 3,6% increase in natural gas production.

Pre-salt production in the Santos Basin was 2,097 MMbbl/d of oil and 89,4 MMm3 of natural gas, totaling 2,660 MMboe/d. There was an increase of 2,4% compared to last month and 6,7% compared to the same period last year. The ANP showed that pre-salt oil production originated from 118 wells and corresponded to 73,1% of the total produced in Brazil, reaching the highest percentage mark ever recorded in relation to the national total.

ANP reveals origin and highlights of production in the Santos Basin

In March, offshore fields produced around 96,7% of oil and 86,5% of natural gas. The fields operated by Petrobras produced around 94,5% of the oil and natural gas.

Located in the pre-salt layer of the Santos Basin, the Tupi field's production was the highest in oil and natural gas, registering 862 MMbbl/d of oil and 40,2 MMm3/d of natural gas. The Petrobras platform, P-75, produced, in the Búzios field, through four wells, around 154,372 Mbbl/d of oil.

The Polo Arara facility, in the Arara Azul, Carapaúna, Cupiúba, Rio Urucu and Sudoeste Uruco fields, through 32 wells connected to it, produced 7,202 MMm³/d and was the highest in natural gas production.

In terms of onshore production, Estreito, located in the Potiguar Basin, had the highest number of onshore producing wells: 1.032. The Tupi field, located in the Santos Basin, was the offshore field with the highest number of producing wells: 56.

See also:

Oil production in Brazil fell 6% in the first quarter, says ANP

According to Agency National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), data released last Monday (26/04), through Reuters, show that national oil production fell by 1% in the 6st quarter compared to the same period last year. This decrease in oil production had a great influence on Petrobras.

In the 1st quarter of this year, the average national oil production was 2,8 million barrels per day and natural gas production in the first quarter was 131,2 million m³/d. When compared to the same period last year, oil production was 3 million barrels per day. Natural gas production this year increased by 1%, according to ANP data.

Petrobras had an oil production of 2,1 million barrels per day from January to March this year. According to the ANP, the state-owned company had a drop of 5%. Petrobras, which is responsible for 75% of production in Brazil, in terms of natural gas production, also saw a 1% drop, producing 96,5 million cubic meters per day, ANP data show.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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