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FUNAI competition with 500 vacancies for middle and higher levels will be authorized this Friday (28)

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 28/04/2023 às 15:58
Updated 29/04/2023 às 18:45
President of Funai confirms public tender with 500 vacancies for middle and higher levels with salaries above R$ 7 thousand

Funai confirms a new public tender for mid-level and higher-level candidates. Public notice should be published later this year.

The realization of a new public tender of the National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (Funai) was once again confirmed by Joênia Wapishana, chairman of the municipality. The president confirmed last Tuesday (25), the expectation of filling 500 vacancies of middle and higher level, during the second day of Camp Terra Livre, in Brasília (DF). The expectation is that the selection will be officially announced this Friday (28).

What positions can the Funai contest make available?

Besides the new mid-level public tender, the president of Funai announced that there is also an exemption for hiring more civil servants over the next year, in regionalized and specific positions.

Wapichana explains that the projection is that the event will take place this year. That's if the presidency approves it and the Ministry of Management also makes it possible. There are more than a thousand vacancies waiting for a candidate, however Funai wants a number of approximately 500, so that there is an attendance already this year.

For the next year, the entity seeks to bring more specific, regionalized contests, with other positions, since these are vacant positions.

Recently, Funai confirmed the submission of a request for the filling of 508 vacancies, 152 of which are at medium level and 356 at higher level. In the case of the medium level, the request is for the post of indigenism agent. For the higher level, the orders are as follows:

  • Geographer – 4 vacancies;
  • Economist – 24 vacancies;
  • Doctor – 1 vacancy;
  • Statistician – 1 vacancy;
  • Sociologist – 12 vacancies;
  • Engineer – 20 vacancies;
  • Psychologist – 6 vacancies;
  • Zootechnician – 1 vacancy;
  • Accountant – 12 vacancies;
  • Agronomist engineer – 31 vacancies;
  • Architect – 1 seat;
  • Archivist – 1 seat;
  • Forestry engineer – 2 vacancies;
  • Specialized indigenist – 152 vacancies;
  • Technician in social communication – 10 vacancies;
  • Dentist – 2 vacancies;
  • Anthropologist – 19 vacancies;
  • Administrator – 26 vacancies;
  • Librarian – 6 vacancies;
  • Social worker – 21 vacancies;
  • Technician in Educational Affairs – 2 vacancies;
  • Veterinarian – 2 vacancies.

Career restructuring in the Funai Contest

Currently, a new career plan for Funai employees is being developed. In January of this year, the draft of a provisional measure was announced, which should be published soon, for the development of a career as an indigenist, to be filled out through competitive examinations.

According to the document, the career will have two positions: agent of indigenism, which requires medium-level training, and specialist in indigenism, which requires higher education.

According to the text, the current career of specialized indigenist will be called specialist in indigenism and the basic salaries will be R$ 3.643,65 for the agent and R$ 7.503,14 for the specialists. In addition, remuneration will include complements such as Basic Salary, Qualification Bonus (GQ), Indigenous Activity Performance Bonus (GDAIN). There will also be a Specific Bonus for Indigenous Auxiliary Activities (GEAAIN) for agents.

How was Funai's last public tender

The last Funai contest was held in 2021, where 776 temporary vacancies were made available in three positions in the ethnosocial protection sector, with no requirement for schooling and for those with secondary and higher education, with starting salaries of BRL 4.400.

The vacancies were distributed in 605 for the position of ethnoenvironmental protection agent, 125 for head of ethno-environmental protection agents,  and 50 for supervisor of ethno-environmental protection agents. O selective process was carried out in 8 states as follows:

  • Goiás (13);
  • Roraima (152);
  • Pará (52);
  • Mato Grosso (52);
  • Maranhao (102);
  • Rondônia (78);
  • Acre (91 stations);
  • Amazon (236).

Source: JC Contests

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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