Home Replacing diesel with biomethane will save Brazil around BRL 40 billion a year in imports!

Replacing diesel with biomethane will save Brazil around BRL 40 billion a year in imports!

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Biomethane gas lines – Imagem BioEconomia

A project for 27 new biogas plants is being analyzed in Brazil, aiming at a daily production of 2,2 million m3/day by 2027.

The study to expand the use of biogas in the country took place through the objective of the state concessionaires to adhere to the exchange of fuel for something more natural. The project was initiated by Abegás (Brazilian Association of Piped Gas Distributors) and Abiogás (Brazilian Biogas Association) targeting a daily production of 2,2 million m3/day by 2027.

This national production will be divided into 3 different areas: approximately 59% of the product, which corresponds to 1,3 million m3/day, would be designed by the sanitation sector, while the remaining 41% would be designated 700 thousand m3/day in the sugarcane and 200 m3/day for the agro-industrial area.

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New biomethane plants will be installed in the states of SP, RS, RJ, PA, GO MT, MS and AM

The concentration of plants is in the state of São Paulo, with 15 projects, but also expands to Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Pará, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Amazonas.

The intention is for the presence of biogas in the country to grow considerably in up to 2 years so that state concessionaires can use it as a supply, says Marcelo Mendonça, Director of Strategy and Market at Abegás.

It makes it clear that the potential that Brazil has for the production of this alternative energy is enormous but very little used. If everything goes according to plan, in the next 5 to 10 years, the scale of production will grow with new investments.

“If we manage to make 20% of that viable, it will be a great achievement, which will change the panorama of gas distribution in the country,” he said.

Countries like the USA have already adopted biomethane to replace diesel

Biogas is an alternative and natural source of energy, which in addition to helping the environment, also influences the country's financial system. If Brazil chooses to replace diesel with biomethane, savings would be between US$6 billion and US$7 billion per year in imports.

This replacement has already happened in other countries, such as Los Angeles (USA), obtaining a 100% positive result since all urban buses use renewable gas.

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