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Resumption of Brazilian Naval Construction: Ecovix Shipyard and Chilean Asmar come together to build Antarctic support vessel in Rio Grande RS

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 28/08/2020 às 11:17
Updated 29/08/2020 às 22:11
shipbuilding shipyard ecovix, rio grande, RS
! Owner of the largest shipyard in the Rio Grande do Sul naval hub, the Brazilian company Ecovix joined forces with the Chilean state-owned company Asmar to participate in the bidding process for the construction project of the Antarctic Support Ship

The document that confirms the intentions of the partnership between Ecovix and ASMAR has already been delivered to the Brazilian Navy

Good news for shipbuilding in Brazil! Owner of the shipyard in Rio Grande, the Brazilian Ecovix teamed up with the Chilean state-owned company Asmar to participate in the bidding process for the construction project of the Antarctic Support Ship. The vessel will support the Brazilian base in Antarctica, reopened earlier this year. Keep an eye out, the Ecovix shipyard will generate around 5 jobs with the construction of the POLAR ship for the Brazilian Navy

Read about shipbuilding in Brazil

Ecovix's partnership with Asmar includes a cooperation agreement, with the transfer of technology from the Chilean company to the Brazilian one, in order to increase the chances of winning the public notice, which is about to be released.

This is the first move by Nova Participações, the holding company that controls Ecovix, in the resumption of shipbuilding at the shipyard in Rio Grande (RS). According to Ecovix, Chileans have developed vast knowledge in polar vessels due to their positioning very close to the Antarctic continent.

The last details are still being agreed by the companies. The new project will help the Brazilian naval sector to develop further, acquiring unprecedented knowledge in Brazil.

At the same time that it works with care and responsibility in search of a positive result in the bid for the polar ship, Ecovix is ​​committed to leveraging its participation in other undertakings of this size. For this, it hired Luiz Fernando Pugliesi, responsible for the development of the company's new businesses. According to him, a plan was drawn up aimed at growth in the business portfolio.

“Our shipyard is very well equipped. We have everything to build ships of any size and I believe we also have space to carry out repairs and maintenance”, highlights Luiz Fernando.

The victory in the bid for the polar vessel, recalls Luiz Fernando, will be a great opportunity for the Rio Grande Shipyard and the entire community in the Southern Region, as it will generate jobs and income for the city.

The executive also states that Ecovix intends to invest in other new businesses, “We have prepared a plan that aims at considerable growth in the business portfolio and we have a lot to explore. Our shipyard is very well equipped. We have everything to build ships of any size and I believe we also have space for repairs and maintenance. There is a market and we are looking for opportunities. We are going to focus right now on this new possibility of building the first polar vessel in Brazil. And that excites me a lot.”

The new Brazilian station in Antarctica, Comandante Ferraz, was reopened on January 15 of this year supported by Petrobras through the Brazilian Antarctic Program (Proantar) and operated by the Brazilian Navy, the installation is intended for scientific research in the environmental, meteorological, biodiversity and chemical areas, today it is a reality.

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a Production Engineer with a postgraduate degree in Electrical and Automation Engineering, with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses, with more than 7 thousand articles published. Her technical expertise and communication skills make her a respected reference in her field. Contact us to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal.

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