Home 335 job openings opened today (08/09) by outsourced companies in the oil and gas, ports, mining, steel, chemical, cellulose and energy industries

335 job openings opened today (08/09) by outsourced companies in the oil and gas, ports, mining, steel, chemical, cellulose and energy industries

8 from 2021 from September to 09: 45
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335 job openings in RJ, Macaé and ES

Elementary, secondary, technical and higher education candidates summoned by Engeman to fill 335 job openings in Macaé, RJ and other Brazilian regions

Rio de Janeiro, Macaé and Recife have 335 job openings for candidates in primary, secondary, technical and higher education to fulfill Engeman contracts — a solid Brazilian company recognized in the Industrial market for its excellence in labor in the oil and gas sectors , mining, steel, pulp and paper, chemical industries, food, energy, ports, among others. See below how to register your resume.

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Engeman is a solid Brazilian company recognized in the industrial market for its excellence in manpower for industrial process operations, industrial maintenance and assembly of industrial equipment in land and sea installations, and provision of services in these categories.

There are 38 years of excellence and ability to operate in all regions of Brazil. Engeman is prepared to serve companies in the oil and gas, mining, steel, pulp and paper, chemical, food, energy, ports, and other industries.

Check below how to apply for open job vacancies in the oil and gas, ports, mining, steel, chemical, cellulose and energy industries

Inscrição: Interested parties should click on the desired position above to register their CV and apply for the job vacancies above to work in Rio de Janeiro, Macaé and Recife in Engeman contracts — solid Brazilian company recognized in the Industrial market for its excellence in labor in the sectors de There are 38 years of excellence and ability to operate in all regions of Brazil. Engeman is prepared to serve companies in the oil and gas, mining, steel, pulp and paper, chemical, food, energy, ports, and other industries.

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