Public tenders are a great opportunity to gain financial stability. Every year hundreds of competitions take place throughout Brazil, offering thousands of vacancies for different levels of education.
For the year 2022, more than 530 notices of public tenders, this is the chance for those who want to win their long-awaited vacancy in the public service, however, do you know which are the best public tenders in 2022? Check below a complete list of contests that will give you access to salaries of up to 30 thousand per month.
Open public tenders in Brazil
Some of the public tenders that have vacancies above 50 and with high salaries:
Public Ministry of Accounts of Santa Catarina
- Jobs by: 87
- Education: Middle and Higher
- Salaries: from BRL 5.633,69 to BRL 32.004,65
- Registration: until 29/7
City Hall of São Luís (MA)
- Jobs by: 111
- Education: High School
- Salaries: from BRL 938,30 to BRL 3.272,40
- Registration: until 19/8
Court of Justice of the State of Piauí
- Jobs by: 80
- Education: Higher
- Salaries: BRL 7.328,01
- Registration: until 8/8
- Want to earn R$3.260,00 + R$1.900,00 in food vouchers? Company has job openings for Monday to Friday work; See how to participate in the selection process
- The state faces a historic labor shortage and will need to train almost 85 professionals in crucial areas to avoid economic collapse in the industry
- Open selection process offers job vacancy with salary of R$ 3.000,00 for those interested in working from 7:30 am to 11:30 am
- How about working from home and receiving R$6.510 + R$1.985,04 in food vouchers and other benefits to work as a Business Analyst? The selection process is open with an incredible job opportunity!
State Foundation for Health Innovation/ES
- Jobs by: 621
- Education: Elementary, medium, technical and higher
- Salaries: from BRL 1.780,80 to BRL 7.632
- Registration: until 15/8
Court of Justice of Ceará
- Jobs by: 140
- Education: Higher
- Salary: BRL 7.110,39
- Registration: until 18/8
To access the notice, simply click on this link.
Federal Council of Dentistry
- Vacancies: 300 Schooling:
- Medium, technical and higher
- Salaries: from BRL 4.323 to BRL 10.373
- Registration: until 4/8
Secretary of Finance of the State of Amapá
- Jobs by: 250
- Education: Higher
- Salary: BRL 22.019,25
- Registration: until 8/8
Secretary of Education of the Federal District
- Vacancies: 4.254 (812 immediate and 3.442 for reserve registration)
- Education: Higher
- Salaries: from BRL 4.223,76 to BRL 5.497,13
- Registration: from 2/8 to 31/8
The Pros and Cons of Public Procurement
A lot of people wonder about the pros and cons of taking a public tender, some points should be considered when choosing your career path. Some of these positives and negatives are:
Stability: Since this is one of the advantages of a public tender, upon being approved, the candidate is sure that his job stability is permanent, that is, he cannot be fired at any time and without reason, according to the Article 41 of the Federal Constitution, just after 3 years of service, stability is guaranteed, this is called probationary period.
Pay: Remuneration is one of the points that most attract attention, the average salary for positions in public tenders is higher than in the private sector, especially in positions that do not require higher education.
Benefits: And finishing the last positive point, in addition to wages, other benefits are offered, such as food vouchers, meal vouchers, transportation vouchers, among others.
Negative points
Setup time: Entering public office is not easy. It takes dedication, preparation, studying with focus and good will, patience. As it is open to everyone, it is normal for it to be crowded.
Stagnation: Career stagnation is another negative point for some people over the years. Depending on the position you entered, it is difficult to leverage your career and reach a higher position within the organization.