Register your resume and participate in the recruitment and selection process for job openings at the Petrobras REFAP refinery in Rio Grande do Sul
Empresa Structural Serviços Industriais has job openings for welders, boilermakers, drivers and more, to work at the Petrobras REFAP – Canoas refinery, in Rio Grande do Sul. Participate in recruitment and selection and register your resume now! The opportunities were announced this morning (10/10) by the company.
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Structural, with more than 20 years in the construction, assembly and industrial maintenance segment, with outstanding performance in refineries and offshore oil exploration and production platforms, has been continuously adapting to the needs and challenges of its customers, generating credibility with the entire Brazilian industrial maintenance market, mainly in the oil sector.
Check out the job openings below to work at the Petrobras REFAP refinery in Canoas, RS
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- Industrial painter
- Scaffolder
- valve mechanic
- IRATA industrial painter
- confined space lookout
- forklift operator
- general service assistant
- Operator/driver Munk
- insulator
- Welder
- Designer
- Electrician
- Boiler Operator
- Water jetist
- van driver
- IRATA insulator
REFAP job vacancies registration: To apply for the above vacancies, interested parties should send an updated CV with the desired vacancy in the subject field to the e-mail Or you can also register on the company's website. CLICKING HERE. Good luck!
About the Petrobras REFAP refinery in Canoas, RS
The Alberto Pasqualini Refinery – REFAP, is installed in an area of 580 hectares in the municipality of Canoas-RS, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, where the Brigadeira Farm was located. It processes 32 m³/day and mainly serves the regional market, with a focus on maximizing diesel oil production. As of 2001, it was incorporated as Alberto Pasqualini – Refap SA, being reintegrated, in August 2012, into Petrobras.
The Petrobras refinery is connected, through pipelines, to the Almirante Soares Dutra Maritime Terminal (Tedut), in Osório/RS, and to the Niterói Terminal (Tenit), in Canoas/RS, from which products are transported by waterway to the Rio Grande Terminal, in Rio Grande/RS.