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EDP ​​innovates in energy production: the world's largest wind farm opens in Brazil

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 13/02/2023 às 11:11
Updated 16/02/2023 às 12:14
EDP ​​inaugurates the world's largest wind power plant in Brazil
Boqueirão I-II onshore wind farm, in RN (Photo: Disclosure/EDP Renováveis)

EDP ​​Renováveis ​​has just placed Brazil on a higher level in the wind energy sector. The company inaugurated the largest wind farm in the world, capable of generating 580 MW.

A EDP ​​Renewables (EDPR) has just opened in Brazil the largest wind complex in the world, with 14 wind farms and an installed capacity of 580 megawatts. The new wind power plant EDPR, with a total of 138 wind turbines, is located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and will be able to generate wind power enough to supply more than 1,5 million people a year. The complex was installed in a region where the company already had an important presence and now has more than 800 MW installed and more than 300 MW under construction. In total, the company currently has more than 7 GW of solar and wind energy in various stages of development in Brazil.

EDP ​​wind power plant can supply city with more than 1,5 million inhabitants

This wind energy complex includes the Monte Verde I – VI, Jerusalem I-VI and Boqueirão I – II wind farms, which together have enough installed capacity to generate more than 3 million MWh/year, enough energy to supply a city with more than 1,5 million inhabitants.

With this project, it will be avoided emissions of more than one million tons of polluting gases per year. The wind energy project also has a strong impact on the socioeconomic development of the region, since, in the construction phase, it was responsible for creating 3,3 thousand job openings. 80 permanent jobs were also created in the complex.

According to Paula Dalbello, Country Manager of EDP Renováveis ​​in the country, with the leadership of the State of RN in the expansion of renewable energy, the company is proud to be able to inaugurate the company's largest renewable complex in the region. These parks will contribute to the consumption of clean energy, to a state with less CO2 emissions and even local economic development, reasons of pride for the company.

EDP ​​wind farms in Brazil

O Monte Verde I-VI wind energy complex is the largest of the EDP Renováveis ​​company in operation and in all 28 of the company's markets. It is also the 14th largest in operation in Brazil and the 2nd largest in the state of Rio Grande do Norte.

A wind farm began to be developed in April 2021, with 319,2 MW of installed capacity, comprising six parks. Construction of the Boqueirão I-II wind complex began in June 2021, with 79 MW of installed capacity and consisting of two parks.

In the period of one year of activities, EDP's wind power plant will avoid the emission of 305 thousand tons of CO2. Located in the municipalities of Lajes and Caiçara in Rio do Vento, the project generated more than 1000 jobs.

Finally, Jerusalem I-VI began to be developed in January 2021, with 180.6 MW of installed capacity, consisting of six parks. The project aims to avoid the emission of 150 thousand tons of CO2 in just one year.

About EDP

With more than 40 years of presence in the market, EDP operates in more than 20 countries offering the experience of one of the largest energy companies in the world, straight to your home. With more than 20 years of experience, the company is one of the largest in the private electricity sector in Brazil, operating throughout the entire value chain.

The company, which has more than 10 direct and outsourced employees, has six hydroelectric generation units and one thermoelectric plant, in addition to operating in the Transmission, Sale and Services of Energy.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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