Home Government of MG offers 40 places in free postgraduate courses

Government of MG offers 40 places in free postgraduate courses

5 May 2022 to 12: 18
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Government of MG - Minas Gerais - post graduation - free courses - EAD
Trilhas de Futuro opens 40 places in free courses for public school professionals – image: SEE/MG/Disclosure

The Government of MG is offering more than 30 places in free postgraduate, master's and doctoral courses so that professors and other professionals can improve in their area of ​​expertise.

A Secretary of State for Education of Minas Gerais announced this Wednesday (04), the opening of registrations so that workers and teachers can participate in the “Trilhas de Futuro Educadores”, a special edition of the MG Government program that offers free postgraduate courses in the state. Registration will be open until next Friday (13th) and there are approximately 40 vacancies in postgraduate courses (specialization and MBA), master's and doctoral degrees in private or public higher education institutions, previously accredited.

Free postgraduate courses from the Government of MG

According to a note issued by the Government, initially, enrollment will be for 23.200 vacancies in free MBA and specialization courses. The Government of MG program will also make vacancies available for doctorates and masters, but the schedule for these types of postgraduate training will follow the availability of higher education institutions responsible for offering the courses.

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In these cases, in addition to the project criteria, the candidate must also go through the institution's selection process. During the school year, according to the availability of the Institutions, new vacancies will be opened.

The project will qualify for free courses that dialogue with the practice of education professionals, in relation to “mathematics teaching, pedagogical coordination, Libras, public management, integral education, literacy and literacy, arts and several others.

According to the Government of MG, in the Course Catalog, which is available on the registration platform, it is possible to check all the free postgraduate courses open at Trilhas de Futuro Educadores. It is estimated that classes for the courses and the MBA will begin on the 30th of next month.

How to enroll in the graduate program of the Government of Minas Gerais?

Those who are interested should access the Trilhas de Futuro program website. On the page there are several important information, it is necessary to read carefully. For registration, important data will be required such as CPF, Analysis and Problem Solving Methodology (MASP), Admission Number, among other information.

SEE civil servants with a bachelor's degree, higher technological course or bachelor's degree who hold effective and stable positions in the careers of: Teacher of Basic Education (PEB); Educational Analyst (ANE); Specialist in Basic Education (EEB); Educational Analyst/School Inspector (ANEI); Education Technician (TDE); Basic Education Analyst (AEB); Basic Education Technical Assistant (ATB) and Education Assistant (ASE).

It is necessary to be working at the Central Unit, school unit or Regional Teaching Superintendencies of SEE/MG. It is worth mentioning that those who are approved must seek the higher education institution to enroll from May 18th to June 1st. For clarification of doubts, access the NOTICE made available by the Government of MG.

Learn more about the free graduate course program

O Trails of the Future-Educators Project, is a broad project of professional development and continuing education instituted and regulated by Resolution SEE nº 4.697, of January 13, 2022, whose mission is to train public servants in subjects related to the objectives and goals set by SEE/MG, providing them with , professional training at the level of improvement, post-graduation and graduation lato and stricto sensu.

In addition, it also seeks to generate value for employees through permanent training, improving their skills and competencies, rationalizing and making investments in training more effective.

The Program aims to contribute to the rise of civil servants in their respective careers, improving the quality of education provided by the state public network of Minas Gerais.

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