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Historic 10 GW expansion in renewable energy by 2025: Will this be the turning point for Brazil to become a leader in the sustainable revolution?

Written by Caio Aviz
Published 21/01/2025 às 17:14
Solar panel and hydroelectric power in Brazil, with experts looking at sustainable infrastructure
Experts evaluate the integration of renewable sources such as solar and hydroelectric, highlighting Brazil's commitment to energy sustainability.

Brazil is revolutionizing its energy matrix with record numbers in clean energy, facing challenges and transforming the sector into a global example.

Brazil is certainly poised to take a significant leap forward in the renewable energy sector by 2025. For this, with a forecast expansion of 10 gigawatts (GW) in the renewable electricity matrix, the country reaffirms its position as global leader in sustainability. According to a study by Thymos Energy Consulting, released in November 2024, total energy consumption is expected to grow 4% compared to the previous year, reflecting a clear growth trend.

Main highlights of energy expansion

To better understand the impact, it is important to highlight the main points. In this context, see the most relevant data below:

  • capacity increase: By 2024, more than 19 GW were added to the electrical matrix. Solar and wind sources represented 9,7 GW of this total, according to data from Thymos Energia.
  • Distributed generation: 14% of total capacity come from this model, which achieved 35 GW in operation at the end of the year, according to the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL).
  • Curtailment in focus: 12.713 gigawatt hours (GWh) of renewable energy were cut in 2024, being 74% wind power, according to a report by the National Electric System Operator (ONS).

Why is this expansion so important?

First of all, the expansion of the renewable electricity matrix is essential to meet the growing demand for energy. At the same time, we seek reduce dependence on unsustainable sources. For this reason, Brazil has already reached a total installed capacity of 244 GW in December 2024. However, the challenges are still significant:

  • Integration of renewable sources: The national electrical system must be capable of accommodating sustainable sources efficiently.
  • Curtailment: Cuts in renewable generation need to be minimized to ensure greater energy utilization.

Opening the free market: A regulatory framework

On the other hand, in 2025, the free energy market should reach 41% of total consumption of the system. This will be possible thanks to regulatory changes, approved in October 2024, which are facilitating access to high and medium voltage consumers. To illustrate, this strategic move aims to:

  • Democratizing access to energy in a more equitable way.
  • Stimulate competition in the sector and increase overall efficiency.
  • Expand the participation of renewable sources in the Brazilian energy mix.

Thus, the opening of the free market offers significant potential for transform the sector and guarantee greater autonomy to consumers.

How does curtailment affect renewable energy?

Ao mesmo tempo, o curtailment presents itself as one of the biggest challenges for renewable energy. It happens when the National Electric System Operator (ONS) reduces the production of solar and wind power plants. This occurs to prioritize other energy sources and, in 2024, resulted in the following data:

  • 12.713 GWh were cut from the system.
  • 74% of this cut energy was from wind power.

According to a Mayra Guimarães, director of Thymos Energia, this scenario is expected to continue into 2025. However, the greatest concentration of cuts will likely occur on the second semester, when renewable generation reaches its peak.

Benefits of renewable energy for Brazil

Despite everything, the benefits of renewable energy are indisputable. After all, investing in clean and sustainable sources offers a series of advantages. For example:

  • Significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the combating climate change.
  • Strengthening energy independence, reducing dependence on imports.
  • Job creation in the clean energy sector, boosting the economy.
  • Reducing energy costs in the long term, benefiting consumers and industries.

Therefore, even in the face of challenges, the energy transition presents extremely positive results for the country.

What to expect for 2025?

Therefore, based on the Thymos Energia study, released in November 2024, expectations for the coming year are promising. In fact, some of the key points include:

  1. Continued growth in consumption: Consumption is expected to grow by around 4%, keeping pace with 2024.
  2. Greater diversification of the energy mix: Sources like solar and wind will continue to gain prominence.
  3. More inclusive and comprehensive regulations: A full opening of the free market, scheduled for December 2025, should allow access to consumers of all sizes.

Thus, it is possible to glimpse an increasingly brighter future sustainable and efficient in the Brazilian energy sector.

A promising and challenging future

Finally, the Brazil is in a privileged position in the global renewable energy scenario. In short, the expansion of the electricity matrix until 2025 reflects the country's commitment to sustainability. However, one cannot ignore the challenges that need to be faced, such as curtailment and efficient integration of new renewable sources.

With suitable solutions and a well-planned strategic approach, Brazil can consolidate itself as a global example in the energy transition. Furthermore, the social, economic and environmental benefits are undeniable. Therefore, this is the ideal time to invest in clean energy and prepare the country for future challenges.

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Caio Aviz

I write about the offshore market, oil and gas, job vacancies, renewable energy, mining, economy, innovation, geopolitics and government. Always seeking daily updates and relevant topics, I expose rich, considerable and meaningful content.

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