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Meet the impressive Liebherr 9800 mining excavator, one of the largest hydraulic excavators in the world, dominating mineral extraction in Australia

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 22/07/2024 às 17:03
Meet the impressive Liebherr 9800 mining excavator, one of the largest hydraulic excavators in the world, dominating mineral extraction in Australia
Image: Liebherr/Disclosure

The Liebherr 9800 mining excavator is a true engineering colossus. Weighing in at 800 tonnes, this impressive machine is not only Liebherr's largest hydraulic excavator, but one of the largest in the world.

The journey of the Liebherr 9800 mining excavator begins in the picturesque city of Colmar, France. In 2022, a team visited the Liebherr factory and followed the manufacturing process of this incredible machine. At the start of the process, the 9800 doesn't even have the complete chassis, much less the boom and arm, but it's already impressive with its size.

In the heart of the factory, the 9800 is seen without some of its essential parts, but already demonstrating its magnitude. It's a surreal scene, with the first units of the 9600 and 9800 mining excavator ready to come to life.

State-of-the-art technology in the Liebherr 9800 mining excavator

The Liebherr 9800 is equipped with two Cummins Tier 2 V16 engines, each with 2.000 horsepower. Its diesel tank holds 19.250 liters, ensuring that the operation does not stop. Speed ​​is not its strong point, with a maximum of 1.8 km/h, but it is in brute strength that it stands out. The bucket, built by Liebherr Australia, moves 48 cubic meters of earth per cycle, around 80 to 90 tons of material.

First operation in Australia

In 2023, at the Carmichael mine in Queensland, the Liebherr 9800 mining excavator was seen in action for the first time. It is a Spectacular to see this monstrous machine in operation, moving tons of soil non-stop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The flexibility of diesel engines allows the 9800 to operate in remote locations without relying on electrical power sources.

Efficiency and flexibility

The Liebherr 9800 mining excavator is not just big; is efficient. With its excavator and face shovel configurations, it can dig in different types of soil, making it essential for mining in varied terrain. However, the majority of the 9800s in operation are in Australia, a reflection of their performance and adaptability.

The Liebherr 9800 mining excavator represents the pinnacle of engineering and mining efficiency. Its presence in Australian mines is a testament to its ability and the trust that large mining companies place in it. With only 60 to 70 units built, each of these machines is a rare and essential jewel for large-scale mineral extraction.

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Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 2.300 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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