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Solar energy enables the operation of 1300 points on different highways in the state of São Paulo

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 13/07/2022 às 10:30
solar energy, energy, highway
Image by Kelly / Source: Pexels

The energy supply of more than 1.300 points distributed along the highways granted in São Paulo comes from solar energy

This week, it was released by the Transport Agency of the State of São Paulo (Artesp), in a press release, that the supply of more than 1.300 points spread over the highways granted in the state is carried out through the use of solar energy. Today, the Agency supervises more than 11.100 kilometers of highways granted in São Paulo.

A Artsp points out that, although the practice of sustainable policies is not contractual imposition, this has become one of the outstanding factors for the monthly evaluation of the performance of the companies competing for the concessionaire of the year award.

Pedro Romanini points out the economic and environmental benefits of using solar energy

Pedro Humberto Romanini, active in the environment sector of the Agency's Investment Board, points out that solar energy is a completely clean source of energy, capable of avoiding the use of components that could release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

According to Romanini, in addition to the advantages for the environment, the sustainability actions employed on the concession highways also have an impact on saving resources, which can be directed towards other benefits for users.

Artesp also explains that, for the production of solar energy, it is necessary that photovoltaic panels be implanted in the specific points where this energy source will be used.

In the statement, it is explained that the energy is generated through the plates and then conducted to equipment responsible for transforming it into electric current, which will be distributed to consumption points and instruments, such as, in the case of highways, squares toll booths, Wi-Fi networks and emergency telephones.

Places where photovoltaic energy is used

Carvalho Pinto Highway: located in the municipality of São José dos Campos, the solar plant was installed by Ecopistas at km 92, operating with 240 solar capture panels. It will make it possible for the concessionaire to stop emitting, annually, 15,5 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is equivalent to planting 230 trees.

Anchieta/Imigrantes: the SAI System (Anchieta/Imigrantes) corresponds to the main connection between the capital of São Paulo and the coast, while using two types of energy solar, the on grid and the off grid. The on grid refers to generation connected to the public grid, in which, when excess energy is produced, part of it is returned and converted into credits for future use. The off grid, in turn, has no relation to the public network, being used to power equipment on the highways, such as electronic panels. Sustainable resources are used at around 260 outlets.

Tamoios Highway: installed at km 48, the User Service unit is 100% sustainable, thanks to the supply provided by 65 solar panels.

Highways in the Central North region: in all, there are 380 km of highways managed by the Intervias concessionaire, in which 100% of the energy used to operate 414 points is clean. In addition, another 573 points on the SP 255, between Araraquara and Riversul, which are under the management of Via Paulista, also operate in a fully sustainable manner.

Highways in the region of Marília and Ribeirão Preto: 100% of the energy need to supply equipment operating in the 570 km of the network managed by Entrevias is supplied by clean energy. Thus, eight toll plazas are supported, in addition to monitoring cameras (CCTV) and traffic analysis systems (SATs).

Campinas Region: the D. Pedro I (SP-065) and Magalhães Teixeira (SP-083) highways, managed by Rota das Bandeiras, have more than 540 points supplied only by solar energy. In this bias, the bases of the User Assistance Services (SAU), call boxes and instruments for counting and analyzing the flow of vehicles are included.

AB Triângulo: the highways managed by the concessionaire, such as Rodovia Washington Luís (SP 310), Rodovia Brigadeiro Faria Lima (SP-326) and SP 333, have photovoltaic solar panels responsible for generating solar energy for their operation, which annually capture about 200 MWh of energy.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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