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The construction of the new 3rd lane of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes: The project that promises to revolutionize transportation in Brazil and break engineering records

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 15/01/2025 às 17:16
The construction of the new 3rd lane of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes: The project that promises to revolutionize transportation in Brazil and break engineering records
Construction of the new 3rd lane of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes is scheduled to begin in 2027. Full completion should take place between 2031 and 2032, with sections being gradually opened.

With a length of 21,5 km, including 17 km of tunnels and the largest road tunnel in Brazil, the construction of the new 3rd lane of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes is a milestone that promises to increase the road's capacity by 25%, reduce logistical costs and boost tourism in Baixada Santista.

The Rodovia dos Imigrantes, opened in 1976, has always been an example of engineering, construction and a strategic transport hub between São Paulo and Baixada Santista. Designed to relieve traffic on the old Rodovia Anchieta, it quickly became the main route for cargo and passengers to the largest port in Latin America.

With time, the significant increase in vehicle flow has brought new challenges. To meet this growing demand, the project to build a new 3rd lane has emerged as a bold and essential solution, promising not only to increase the highway's capacity, but also to modernize its structure and improve safety.

The importance of the Immigrants Highway in the development of Brazil

Since its construction, the Rodovia dos Imigrantes has been a pillar of economic growth for the state of São Paulo and Brazil. Connecting the capital of São Paulo to the Port of Santos, it has enabled the transportation of cargo such as grains, oil and industrial products. This fast connection has also boosted tourism in Baixada Santista, attracting thousands of visitors to destinations such as Santos, Guarujá and Praia Grande.

The continued growth of the vehicle fleet and the expansion of foreign trade have caused traffic on the highway to become a bottleneck, especially during peak periods. The growth of nearby industrial cities, such as Cubatão, has also increased pressure on the highway system.

The Need for Expansion: Why a Third Runway?

The new 3rd lane of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes will be built on the mountain stretch, starting at km 43, close to the Rodoanel Mário Covas, in São Paulo, and ending at km 265, on the Rodovia Cônego Domenico Rangoni, close to the industrial hub of Cubatão, guaranteeing direct access to the Port of Santos.
The new 3rd lane of the Rodovia dos Imigrantes will be built on the mountain stretch, starting at km 43, close to the Rodoanel Mário Covas, in São Paulo, and ending at km 265, on the Rodovia Cônego Domenico Rangoni, close to the industrial hub of Cubatão, guaranteeing direct access to the Port of Santos.

The flow of heavy vehicles and passengers on the Rodovia dos Imigrantes has grown exponentially in recent decades. Trucks transporting containers to the Port of Santos face frequent delays, negatively impacting the logistics and operating costs.

The expansion of the highway is vital to meet the demand for international trade. With the Port of Santos handling a large part of Brazil's exports, the new road promises to significantly reduce transportation times and logistics costs.

New 3rd runway project details

The 21,5 km long mountain section is the most challenging part of the project. Around 17 km will consist of tunnels, while 4 km will include viaducts. This modern approach aims to overcome the obstacles of the rugged and sensitive terrain of the Serra do Mar.

Among the planned tunnels, a 6 km long structure stands out, which will be the largest in Brazil. Equipped with advanced safety systems, such as parallel emergency tunnels, it promises to set a new standard for engineering in the country.

Benefits of building the new runway

The new road will increase the total capacity of the highway system by 25%, with a planned slope to facilitate the movement of heavy vehicles. This will reduce the risk of accidents and improve traffic flow.

With a more efficient highway, access to Baixada Santista will be easier, boosting tourism and boosting the local economy. A significant increase in the number of visitors is expected, benefiting hotels, restaurants and regional businesses.

Challenges and forecasts for completion of the work

One of the main objectives of the project is to minimize environmental impact. The use of existing service roads and less invasive construction techniques are key strategies for preserving the biodiversity of the Serra do Mar.

Construction is expected to begin in 2027, with completion estimated between 2031 and 2032. Despite the technical and bureaucratic challenges, the construction of the new runway is seen as an essential step for the economic and logistical development of Brazil.

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16/01/2025 08:40

Wow, quite a project, but if the Santos Guarujá tunnel has been struggling for “centuries” because of the incompetence of politicians, imagine this work… I hope I’m wrong. 🙂‍↕️

Marcio Cunha
Marcio Cunha
16/01/2025 14:14

Really here in Brazil, you only believe it when you see it!!! Lots of people sucking on the money for infrastructure...

Pedro dos Santos Silva
Pedro dos Santos Silva
In reply to  Marcio Cunha
16/01/2025 20:43

As long as our politicians continue to steal, especially from the PT, the biggest “THIEF LULA” who came out of **** to be President of Brazil, I don’t expect anything else. Only suffering and disappointment.
I'm too old to put up with so much theft. And the STF... **** of ****.😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈👹👺👺👺👺

Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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