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Video: The president of Petrobras was in Macaé and announces an investment of 75 billion reais in the offshore branch

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 13/12/2017 às 07:42


Macaé is the oil capital
Visit by the president of Petrobras Pedro Parente to Mayor Aluízio Santos Júnior, at the City Hall. Macaé/RJ. Date: 12/12/2017. Photo: Rui Porto Filho

Pedro Parante met with Mayor Aluízio on the 12th to consolidate the importance of Macaé in the national oil scenario

[supsystic-social-sharing id='1′]The mayor of Macaé, Dr. Aluizio, was visited by the president of Petrobras, Pedro Parente, this Tuesday (12), at the office of the city hall. The meeting seals the partnership between the municipality and the state-owned company in these 40 years of Bacia de Campos. The executive director of Exploration and Production, Solange Guedes; Production Operation and Maintenance Manager at the Campos Basin Production and Exploration Operations Unit (UO-BC/OPM), Marcelo Batalha; the deputy mayor, Vandré Guimarães; secretaries and businessmen from Macaé participated in the meeting.

Parente's visit to the region was marked by the commemorations of Petrobras' 40th anniversary in the Campos Basin. According to the company's president, it was a complete visit, starting on the P-56 platform, this Monday (11), passing by the Imbetiba base, where he met with the workforce and, ending with a meeting at the office of Dr. Aluizio.

For the mayor, it was an extremely generous meeting, an unusual agenda, which marks new events and new investments. Present at the meeting were businessmen and people who have lived through oil in the last 40 years and who told a little about the importance and perspective within the municipality.

  • The region is ready for a new beginning, preparing for a new fundamental cycle not only for the region but for all of Brazil. This demonstrates the vigor that the region still has. We have direct signs of investments of US$ 3.5 billion by Petrobras together with Exxon. We have the announcement of the tender for the renovation of 39 platforms, generating three thousand direct jobs. A restart with efficiency, competence, with new jobs and avoiding waste -, pointed out Dr. Aluízio.

For Pedro Parente, this visit marks the 40th anniversary of the Campos Basin. “We just came to bring the City Hall and the representative of the public power our gratitude for the way the city has received us over the last 40 years and that another 40 years will also be positive in the generation of wealth. In the coming days, we will present the revision of the Business Plan, which will contain relevant investments in the region from a qualitative point of view. The view is very positive – explained the president of Petrobras.

According to Parente, Petrobras is working on the financial recovery of the state-owned company. “The company still has a very large debt. We are working to resolve this issue. Despite this debt, it is still the company that invests the most in our country. We will continue to invest around US$15 billion a year. So for the next five years, probably a total of U$75 billion will be invested,” he said.

The announcement of investments by Petrobras in reforming 39 oil platforms in the Campos Basin, with a view to increasing production, could receive investments of R$ 3 billion and generate at least three thousand direct jobs, according to projections by Abespetro, an association which brings together companies providing services to the oil industry.

Less royalties, more jobs

On the reduction of the royalty rate from 10% to 5%: “It is very important to understand the logic of the proposal. The logic of the proposal is simple. If royalties are maintained at that initial level, that will be the moment when, with that value, we are forced to interrupt the operation because it is not profitable. But if royalties are reduced, we can continue with this exploration and even use part of this reduction to invest in improving the fields. Therefore, it is not a matter of reducing royalty payments. We are actually talking about increasing royalty payments. Why? Because by making this reduction in certain fields, it means prolonging the useful life of that field”, explained Pedro Parente. Source Municipality of Macaé and InterTV

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Paulo Nogueira

An electrical engineer graduated from one of the country's technical education institutions, the Instituto Federal Fluminense - IFF (formerly CEFET), I worked for several years in the areas of offshore oil and gas, energy and construction. Today, with over 8 publications in magazines and online blogs about the energy sector, my focus is to provide real-time information on the Brazilian employment market, macro and micro economics and entrepreneurship. For questions, suggestions and corrections, please contact us at informe@clickpetroleoegas.com.br. Please note that we do not accept resumes for this purpose.

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