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Volkswagen puts around 2,2 employees on collective vacation due to lack of material for production, in the interior of São Paulo

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 08/06/2021 às 18:23
Volkswagen – São Paulo – collective vacation
Volkswagen logo / Source: Depositphotos

Yesterday, Volkswagen put more than 2.000 employees at the Taubaté unit, São Paulo, on collective vacations for 10 days

Volkswagen put about 2.200 employees on collective vacations starting yesterday, Monday (07/06), due to the lack of semiconductors for vehicle production in Taubaté, in the interior of São Paulo. According to Sindmetau (Metalworkers Union of Taubaté and Region), the stoppage will extend to two shifts of the plant for ten days and happens due to lack of parts for production. The strike is the second in less than a month. See also: Volkswagen announces the installation of the Baterias Moura factory, in its industrial complex in RJ, for the production of the first electric truck in Brazil!

Collective vacations for workers at the Volkswagen unit in São Paulo

According to the Metalworkers' Union of Taubaté and Region, collective vacations affect workers from the two shifts of the plant in the municipality. The Union highlighted that the Volkswagen unit in São Paulo faces a period of lack of semiconductors to feed the assembly lines. The components are responsible for the internal communication of electronic equipment in vehicles.

Currently, Volkswagen from Taubaté, in the interior of São Paulo, produces the Gol and Voyage vehicles. The factory should also receive a new cycle of products with the implementation of the MQB platform. On the date of the holiday announcement, the company reported that a significant semiconductor shortage is leading to multiple supply bottlenecks across many industries globally.

Announcement on collective vacations in the interior of São Paulo

Last Monday, a statement from Volkswagen stating that it would suspend, as of June 7, operations at the factories in São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, and in Taubaté, São Paulo, due to lack of inputs, says that “This has also caused problems in the supply of the automotive industry around the world since the turn of the year. The result is industry-wide adaptations in car production, which also affect the Volkswagen Group brands.”

“In recent months, the Volkswagen do Brasil team has worked intensively and successfully, internally and in partnership with our headquarters, to minimize the effects of the shortage of semiconductors for production at its factories in Brazil. To date, our units in the country have not been affected on a larger scale. However, with the scenario worsening and based on the current situation, we assume that the supply of semiconductors will continue to be limited over the next few weeks”, says an excerpt from the text.

Also read: After Ford gives up on the country, multinational Volkswagen announces a new cycle of investment and production of vehicles at a factory in São Paulo

Pablo di Si, Executive President of multinational Volkswagen in Latin America, announced in an interview with Reuters, on May 7, the commitment to launch a new cycle of investments in Brazil. According to the executive, the details of the investment will be disclosed at the end of the year by the Group's Global CEO, Herbert Diess.

According to Pablo di Si, “we have defined (the investment) and have already stopped production at our factory in Taubaté, in São Paulo, to prepare the new platform”. The executive did not give details of the products, but it is known that one of them is the Polo Track, the brand's new access model in Brazil.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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