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With many vacancies that do not require experience, Eneva receives resumes to fill staff in RJ, MA, AM, SP, RR, BA and CE

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 21/11/2022 às 13:29
Eneva, vacancies, experience, RJ
Photo: reproduction eneva.com.br

The job vacancies of eneva in RJ and others are for engineers, analysts, managers, specialists and interns and some do not require experience

The company eneva, one of the largest integrated energy operators, is offering several jobs and internships in RJ and others on this November 21st. Eneva's opportunities are for engineers, apprentices, analysts, lawyers, specialists and interns and some do not require previous experience.

About a company

The company Eneva is currently the only private power generation company in Brazil with experience in exploration, production and acquisition of natural gas in the onshore type of exploration and has a range of projects throughout the country.

In addition, the company has a business model that is centered on Reservoir-to-Wire (R2W), which includes the generation of thermal energy combined with the production of onshore natural gas, and is now seeking to expand its employees with available positions. with or without experience, in RJ and other states.

Job vacancies available by Eneva in RJ and other states with or without experience

  1. Sr. Tax Analyst

Applications for Eneva's job openings

To apply for job openings at Eneva in RJ, and other states, just click on the link present in each vacancy described above and apply. Good luck to everyone!

Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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