Home Fight and name-calling at Halliburton Macaé: Union prevents oil workers from entering the company

Fight and name-calling at Halliburton Macaé: Union prevents oil workers from entering the company

25 April 2018 17 gies: 53
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Sindipetro Halliburton Macaé

Impressive video sent by followers shows the confrontation between SindipetroNF and Halliburton workers.

Halliburton employees were literally prevented from working yesterday (April 24, 2018) by the union movement SindipetroNF in Macaé, due to dismissals in 2017 of employees who joined the strike at that time and triggered by Lula's arrest and aggravated by the Petrobras' decision to privatize some of its refineries. The movement closed the company's entrance between the morning and the afternoon, workers who needed to board practically begged to enter, Sindipetro did not respond to their appeals, the result was this one in the video below:

Each and every movement has its value, this has always existed and is part of a democratic state, but a person's right to go is a right and restricting it violates basic principles of the constitution. There are people who need to get on with their lives and provide for their families. In the video, it was clear the anguish of some employees needing to leave to fulfill their goals and/or tasks in the company, many of them earn per day aboard the unit.

Refineries to be sold

Abreu e Lima refinery and Landulpho Alves. In the South, Petrobras wants to transfer share control of Refinaria Presidente Getúlio Vargas and Alberto Pasqualini. Together, the four refineries have the capacity to process 846 barrels per day. In all, the state-owned company has 13 refineries and holds 99% of the country's refining capacity. The president of the state-owned company, Pedro Parente, commented that the sale should start this year and could be completed next year.

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