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URGENT: IBAMA public tender with vacancies for middle and higher education will have more than 500 vacancies and salaries of up to R$ 8.547,64

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 23/02/2023 às 23:55
Updated 28/02/2023 às 10:00
IBAMA public tender with vacancies of medium and superior level will have more than 500 vacancies and salaries of up to R$R$8.547,64
Photo: IBAMA/Disclosure

IBAMA is about to open a new public tender with more than 500 vacancies and great salaries. A new event already has an authorization request forwarded.

The holding of a new public tender for the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (IBAMA) is one of the guidelines promised by the new government. The confirmation was made in an interview by Rodrigo Agostinho, the new president of the entity. According to the president, a new request for authorization has already been forwarded to the Secretariat for Management and Innovation in Public Services.

IBAMA has only 53% of the expected staff

At the end of January of this year, Jair Schmitt, then deputy president of the IBAMA, confirmed that preparations had begun to submit a new application to the government. Agostinho points out that the entity currently operates by half: considering all active employees, there are 2.900 servers.

IBAMA only has 53% of the total forecasted staff, even knowing that, last year, there was a decision by the Federal Supreme Court that forced the previous government to carry out the IBAMA public tender

In the words of Augustine, he highlights that the “Bolsonaro government paralyzed IBAMA, dismantled the body and persecuted the civil servants”. In this way, the president is now working to call those who were not called in the last contest.

Also according to the president of IBAMA, the number of new vacancies for the public tender has not yet been defined, but the expectation is hire around 500 new professionals. According to the report presented at the end of last year by the transition team, the environmental sector has a deficit of at least 2,1 new civil servants, including not only IBAMA, but also the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio ), the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) and the Ministry of the Environment (MMA).

Find out about IBAMA's last public tender and get ready for the next opportunity

It is worth noting that, at the time, the document stressed that the holding of a new public tender should not prevent the call of those approved in the previous tender, held in 2021, given that the need for servers exceeds the number of remaining.

O last IBAMA contest for staff took place in 2021, where 568 vacancies were offered, 432 of which were for high school graduates and 136 for higher education candidates, with salaries of up to R$ 8.547,64.

The organizing bank, on the occasion, was the Cebraspe. In the case of high school candidates, the selection process was aimed at filling 432 vacancies for the position of environmental technician, with an initial salary of R$ 4.063,34. As for the higher level, there were 96 vacancies for the position of environmental analyst and 40 for administrative analyst, both with starting salaries of R$ 8.547,64.

Get to know IBAMA

In February 1989, the Law No. 7.735, which creates the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), integrating environmental management in Brazil. Until then, there were several institutions in the federal government with different views, often contradictory, to deal with the subject.

The Special Secretariat for the Environment (Sema) was responsible for political and management work, linked to the Ministry of the Interior. Sema played a very important articulation role in the drafting of Law 6938/81, which provides for the National Environmental Policy (PNMA), in force until today.

The law establishes the National Environmental System (Sisnama) and the National Environmental Council (Conama), the only one with the power to legislate. The PNMA was a great advance when the Federal Constitution of 1988 was enacted, being the only one to be fully accepted.

Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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