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Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP) invests in sustainability with multimodal logistics from Brado and renewable energy from EDP to reduce carbon emissions

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 12/06/2022 às 12:47
Aiming at sustainability as the main focus for this year, the Container Terminal of Paranaguá (TCP) is investing in the reduction of carbon emissions with its recent contracts with Brado and EDP for the adoption of a multimodal transport and a supply of renewable energies
Source: Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP)

Aiming at sustainability as the main focus for this year, the Container Terminal of Paranaguá (TCP) is investing in the reduction of carbon emissions with its recent contracts with Brado and EDP for the adoption of a multimodal transport and a supply of renewable energies

Last Monday, (06/06), TCP, the company that manages the Container Terminal of Paranaguá, located in the state of Paraná, announced that it continues to invest in sustainability to reduce carbon emissions in its operations. This is because the company has been using multimodal transport logistics since last year with the company Brado and, this year, it began to invest in the purchase of 100% renewable electricity through a contract with the energy company EDP.

Contract with Brado Logística guaranteed TCP more sustainability in cargo handling operations with the multimodal transport used in the terminal 

The beginning of TCP's investment in reducing carbon emissions and sustainability in operations took place during 2021, when the company closed a contract for multimodal transport logistics at the terminal. In this way, the terminal became the only one in southern Brazil to use the rail network and now connects exporters from Paraná, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraguay through branches that arrive in Cascavel, Cambé and Ortigueira.

In addition, the use of the multimodal system with the company Brado, which uses both trains and trucks in operations, has brought TCP much more efficiency in operations and sustainability within its activities. This is because the use of trains reduces the emission of CO² into the air and, last year alone, prevented more than 60 tons of gas from being released into the atmosphere, thus ensuring a strong advance towards sustainability within the terminal's production chain. 

The use of multimodal transport at the Paraná terminal also guarantees Terminal de Contêineres de Paranaguá even greater efficiency in cargo transport operations, since the rail network does not face several road problems, such as overcrowding of vehicles.

Despite this, the company highlighted that the main focus with the contract with Brado was the reduction in carbon emissions and that it is highly satisfied with the results obtained so far, but that it will not stop here and intends to expand the initiative. 

The Paranaguá Container Terminal now has a 100% renewable energy supply after a contract for the supply of renewable energy with the company EDP

In addition to the contract with Brado for multimodal transport, which started in 2021, the Container Terminal of Paranaguá also signed yet another sustainability initiative with the energy company EDP during early 2022.

This is yet another TCP strategy to reduce carbon emissions at the terminal and is proving to be very attractive to the company's employees. The need for this type of the energy is increasingly present in the terminal, as the average energy consumption of the terminal is equivalent to that of a city of 156 inhabitants.

In addition, the company is also the largest in the field of containers and the terminal is the most relevant in all of South America, which brings even more the need for environmental commitment and sustainability to the present day.

Thus, the terminal's commercial and institutional director, Thomas Lima, reinforced the company's commitment: “In addition to excellence in providing services, TCP is also concerned with the environmental impact generated in the region in which it operates, which is part of an entire biome. As signatories of the UN Global Compact, promoting actions that reduce this impact and aim at ESG objectives is among the premises of the terminal, which has more than 60 socio-environmental projects in progress”.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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