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End of human work? Hyperautomation becomes a reality and adds value to companies with solutions that combine artificial intelligence, robotization and machine learning, contributing to the evolution of the workforce

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 07/04/2022 às 11:54
Updated 03/06/2022 às 14:06
human work - labor - automation - robotization - artificial intelligence
End of human work with automation and robotization. War of humans against machines.

Every time we hear the term Artificial Intelligence, the first question that comes to our mind is: is this the end of human work?

Gradually, human work has been replaced by automation and more recently by Artificial Intelligence, which are robotic tools that simulate a human being in repetitive activities. Chatbots, for example, carry out conversations with people, clarifying doubts and seeking to offer already known solutions to the most diverse problems.

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When thinking about the activities we did that we didn't like, because they were repetitive, for example: the issuance of invoices was manual and, later, the accountants had to transcribe all the invoices, one by one, in a tax records book. If there was a mistake, the solution was to pass a solution with bleach, and later the liquid corrector to make the adjustments. At banks, payment amounts were typed in, with an enormous demand for attention on the part of tellers. In turn, the telemarketer spent the day, week or months solving practically the same problems and giving the same information.

“In this case, the goal is to speed up the process and optimize the customer experience. To reassure, it is not the end of human work”, guarantees the executive Atila Nicoletti, commercial superintendent of Run2Biz Software, who mediated a live to explain how much hyperautomation generates value for corporations with solutions that combine Artificial Intelligence, robotization and machine learning, in processes and systems.

Check out the live on hyperautomation below

Hyperautomation came to speed up the process and optimize the customer experience, not to eliminate human work

As human beings have particularities that machines are unlikely to be able to replace, such as feelings, social perception and the ability to solve problems not yet known, and in compensation some routine activities can be delegated to Artificial Intelligence, including reading e-mails and extracting important information from documents, it was clear during the webinar, that hyperautomation – which consists of the combination of knowledge and technologies that companies must adopt to ensure the automated work process – brings more speed in carrying out company activities.

“If automation acts with the purpose of transforming mechanical processes into automatic ones, hyperautomation includes even more analysis functionalities, design, performance measurement, monitoring, research, prediction, measurement, reaching monitoring and reassessments, becoming a much more complete tool”, informs Nicoletti.

As not all companies are the same and even businesses in the same segment can serve dissimilar profiles, at the meeting it was clear that, before using hyperautomation, it is necessary to know the reality of each establishment, as well as having a broad notion of what can be improved in that scenario. And, therefore, this infrastructure is no longer a trend to become a strong reality, ranking first in Gartner's "Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020" for 2020.

A company that does not automate its internal management processes runs the risk of being left behind

“A company, large or small, that does not automate its internal management processes runs the risk of being left behind, losing efficiency, security, relevance, reliability and, consequently, customers. In addition to keeping costs high due to manual processes”, informed Nicoletti.

O webinar included explanations by Donato Penatti, CEO and founding member of Ninecon; Renato Panessa, executive sales director at Ninecon's Tech unit; Carlos Almeida, from Service IT; and Fernando Raupp, also from Service IT. All participating companies are known as MSPs – an acronym for Managed Service Providers –, that is, enterprises in the information technology (IT) sector, providers of IT-based services.

For those who did not watch the mentioned live, it is available on YouTube and LinkedIn by Run2biz.

Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a Production Engineer with a postgraduate degree in Electrical and Automation Engineering, with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses, with more than 7 thousand articles published. Her technical expertise and communication skills make her a respected reference in her field. Contact us to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal.

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