Home Ministry of Infrastructure anticipates payment of BRL 5 billion for the concession of Malha Paulista and Ferrovia Norte-Sul

Ministry of Infrastructure anticipates payment of BRL 5 billion for the concession of Malha Paulista and Ferrovia Norte-Sul

15 from 2020 from September to 19: 57
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Ministry of Infrastructure
Minister of Infrastructure Tarcisio Gomes

This morning (15), the Ministry of Infrastructure (Minfra), the company Rumo advanced R$ 5,1 billion referring to installments due for the granting of the concessions of Malha Paulista and Ferrovia Norte-Sul

With this amount of R$ 5,1 billion, the company Rumo settled something referring to 85% of its debt balance to the government, the Ministry of Infrastructure thanked. Furthermore, with this agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the ANTT the money will be deposited into an account today (15).

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Company Rumo Renova Malha Paulista until 2058

Of the 5 billion deposited today, approximately 2,8 billion are equivalent to 70 quarterly installments, as mentioned earlier – 85% of the debt paid off. Minister Tarcísio Gomes renewed his hopes in the current Bolsonaro government and posted a Tweet earlier highlighting this:

About Rumo Malha Paulista

Rumo Malha Paulista, 1.989 km long, is the most important agribusiness export corridor in broad gauge (1,60 m), through which freight from the Midwest circulates, originating from Rumo Malha Norte and Rumo Malha West (the latter, in metric gauge, accesses the Malha Paulista in Mairinque/SP, where the gauge is mixed) and destination for the Port of Santos.

It crosses the entire State of São Paulo in the Northwest-Southeast direction, from Rubinéia, on the banks of the Paraná River, to Santos. The descent of Serra do Mar is done by simple adherence. It also includes the Colombia branch, which departs from Araraquara in a North direction until it reaches the banks of the Rio Grande, and the Panorama branch, which departs from Itirapina in a West direction, until it reaches the Paraná River.

The main transport flows come from the North and West networks, bound for Santos. The main goods handled in 2018, in thousands of useful tons, were:

  • corn, 9.855;
  • soybeans, 6.996;
  • sugar, 2.629;
  • soybean meal, 4.053;
  • diesel oil, 1.428;

A large part of the grant for this project, estimated at R$ 2,91 billion, may be directed to investments in the public interest, such as new investments in the network itself or in other interventions in the national railway network (cross investments). These improvements will be the obligation of the concessionaire.

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