Home Investment plan of R$ 8 billion in infrastructure works at the Port of Santos will expand the number of exports

Investment plan of R$ 8 billion in infrastructure works at the Port of Santos will expand the number of exports

30 April 2022 09 gies: 13
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The Ministry of Infrastructure commented on the upcoming infrastructure works that the Port of Santos will receive and highlighted that, with the investment, the complex will have more expansion in exports and a high reduction in operating costs
Photo: Santos Port Authority (SPA)

The Ministry of Infrastructure commented on the upcoming infrastructure works that the Port of Santos will receive and highlighted that, with the investment, the complex will have more expansion in exports and a high reduction in operating costs

With the Port of Santos privatization project increasingly accelerated by the Ministry of Infrastructure, new debates about the benefits of the process are being made. According to the comment made by the Minister on Friday (22/04), it is expected that the investment in infrastructure works, which is budgeted at R$ 8 billion, will bring new prospects for exports in the complex and for operating expenses.

Infrastructure works at the Port of Santos are budgeted at BRL 8 billion in total for the construction of a tunnel, railway line and renovations in the terminals of the port complex

The Ministry of Infrastructure made some statements regarding the privatization process of the Port of Santos last Friday and highlighted that the main benefit of the private sector investment plan for the infrastructure works in the place will be the expansion in the number of export operations. Thus, the complex will be able to reach new heights within the international market with a more adequate port structure for these services. 

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Last Friday, the minister visited the region where the tunnel between Santos and Guarujá and the internal railway lines of the port will be built and commented on these new perspectives for the port, in addition to having visited the STS10 terminal, the railway lines in the Outeirinhos region and the extension and deepening works of the Tecon Santos Pier. All these structures will undergo the main infrastructure works that are foreseen in the investment plan within the Port of Santos and will be essential for the expansion of these export operations. 

Thus, within the investment plan for infrastructure works, which is budgeted at a total of BRL 8 billion, BRL 3,285 billion will be invested in STS10; R$ 3,5 billion in the construction of the submerged tunnel and another R$ 1,5 billion from Santos Brasil in Tecon Santos, while R$ 23 million was invested in the third railway line of Paquetá. In this way, most of main structures of the Port of Santos for the export of cargo will be contemplated with the initial investments and, over the next few years with the privatization process, new works will take place.

Minister of Infrastructure visits and inspects infrastructure works at the port and highlights the expansion of competitiveness after completion of the investment project in the complex

In addition to the main structures visited by the Minister of Infrastructure, Marcelo Sampaio also navigated the port's access channel and passed through the area that will correspond to STS10 and also through the place where an underwater tunnel will be built to connect the cities of Guarujá and Santos. The inspections were carried out to obtain a broader view of how the process of infrastructure works and the application of investment in this initiative. 

Thus, Marcelo Sampaio once again highlighted the need for this infrastructure plan for the expansion of export operations and for greater growth in the Port of Santos, stating that “These investments will ensure that we increase our competitiveness, efficiency, and thus reduce the cost-Brazil”, which concerns the expenses necessary for cargo handling operations, transactions and other logistical issues within the port production chain. 

In operation since the end of 2021, Tecon Santos, operated by Santos Brasil, has a projected investment of R$ 1,5 billion until 2031 and will feature infrastructure works to deepen the channel, being the main highlight in the expansion plan for the Port of Santos.

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