Home Seadrill with offshore vacancies in official selection process in Rio de Janeiro

Seadrill with offshore vacancies in official selection process in Rio de Janeiro

25 July 2017 to 10: 50
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Seadrill with offshore vacancies in official selection process in Rio de Janeiro
wave, offshore, seadrill, rio de janeiro

After Seadrill signed a contract with Statoil in offshore activities, the company decided to open official positions in many sectors

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At this very moment, a monstrous offshore selection process is taking place at Seadrill Brasil, a company that provides oil well drilling services in our basins, but is also present in other parts of the world. After Statoil entered the game, partnering with the company, now in a literal way “the animal is on fire”. The contracts are already deliberated and the HR's are already selecting the CVs, so pay attention to the positions and qualifications to follow in the next paragraphs.

vacancies in progress

Open opportunities are for:

  1. Occupational Safety Technician
  2. Storekeeper
  3. Dynamic Positioning Operator
  4. platformer
  6. crane operator
  7. Area Man
  8. Drill Assistant

For all these positions, experience in the functions and technical courses are required. But do you know what's good? The company is not demanding CBSP, HEUT and NR's, probably if you fit the job assignments, Seadrill itself will pay or administer these courses, so this is a great opportunity in life, you know, those very rare ones to appear. So the gora is with you.

How to apply

To apply for the selection processes, access this link But in the name of all that is holy or what you believe in, REGISTER USING YOUR DESKTOP COMPUTER (PC) OR NOTEBOOK, on smartphones there may be page loading errors, typing errors or simply the company may not accept registration via cell phone. Well the warning was given so that there is no crying later.

Good luck to everyone and I ask you to give feedback to the Click Oil and Gas, both on the Fanpage and down here in the comments. If the vacancies do not fit your profile, share the post.

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