Home Senac offers vacancies in free courses in partnership with Microsoft in the areas of technology in the distance learning modality

Senac offers vacancies in free courses in partnership with Microsoft in the areas of technology in the distance learning modality

15 January 2021 to 10: 42
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Senac - Microsoft - free courses
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Senac and Microsoft offer more than 100 vacancies in 20 free distance learning courses with certification valid throughout the country

Through their EAD platform, Senac and Microsoft are making available, starting this week, 20 free courses, including university extension, technology and free courses – with a certificate, valid throughout the national territory –, in addition to providing Internet users with videos on various topics. The institution's free distance learning courses initiative reinforces that education is one of the main means for community development.

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Vacancies in free technology courses with accessible content for everyone

Registration for Senac and Microsoft courses will be available from January 15th to May 31st, and participants will have one month to complete the course and receive certification. Click here and know all the details.

Senac and Microsoft

The free courses offered in partnership with Microsoft focus on information technology and total ten options: Basic Concepts of Azure; Take your first steps with C#; Add logic to your applications with C#; Create serverless applications; Consume data with Power BI; Create a model-driven app in Power Apps; Protect your cloud data; Work with relational data in Azure; Introduction to machine learning with Python; and Azure Notebooks and Virtualization – Share Cloud Resources.

Finally, to access the free Senac and Microsoft courses, you must have a Microsoft account. If the candidate is a Senac student, just use the login of the software released to students. If not, you need to use a Hotmail account.

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